Define me, Twitter!

Posted on December 11th, 2009 @ 19:13 in Uncategorized

How do you define yourself? Boil yourself down to a short, 160 character blurb? And what does that say about you? Or me, really, cuz this is about me.

My Twitter blurb, or “one line bio”, currently says: Atheist asexual cynical. Love MJ, Placebo, green. Hate: kids, people. The love/hate sometimes changes depending on my mood & preferences, but the first pretty much always remains the same. This is reflected in the “lists” people put me in, and also many of the people that follow me. They’re either Metafilter, LGBT, or atheist/skeptics (or from Brighton).

But really I talk about mundane things, mostly. Sometimes a fun link, or a technews RT. I barely talk about either of these two aspects that allegedly define me (nevermind cynicism, that pretty much permeates my whole life). Sometimes I feel bad about that, like when a new atheist follows me, or an LGBT twitterer mentions me on FollowFriday. And I vouch to change this and put more emphasis on either or both of them, but then I don’t. [I’d have enough to say, I just generally can’t be bothered anymore]

That’s not to say these things are not important to me. They are part of me, tho I guess they don’t define me. On Twitter, they’re the categories I’ve chosen to be put into. I could’ve chosen my love of Jacques Brel, my obsession with the devil, my social anxiety, my “Luxembourger abroad” status, the fact my dad died when I was 25, my left political leanings, my eternal devotion to the city of Paris… all these things make up who I am. And I guess then different people would be following me and reading my mundane updates.

Interestingly, as I reread this, I realise (as you probably did long before me) that the two aspects I chose to publicise were the “obvious minority” ones. No one will be discriminated against for being a fan of a Belgian singer. I guess that says something about me too.

[and thus ends a blog entry that wasn’t really going anywhere from the start]

1 Comment

makarios said on Dec 11, 2009 at 7:43 pm

You’re absolutely fascinating.


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