Today was a good day

Posted on January 10th, 2007 @ 20:27 in Uncategorized

So good I even bought a lottery ticket!

First off, I woke up before 1pm. Yay me. Secondly, I applied for 2 jobs. That’s 4 in total so far. Plus I requested one more application form. Adecco have already called me back – Amex job. Meeting them tomorrow. Thirdly, I ran into Ingmar (my 2nd fave person at IBM after Ann-Louise) – he’s leaving IBM and has of course invited me to his leaving do – at the Sidewinder (the pub on my street – yay!). Fourthly, I finally called the landlord and reminded him of my leaky things. Fifthly, the legendary Raymi graced my humble blog with her presence. What more could I ask for?

Yesterday was pretty good too. I did sleep far too long (and then I was still tired), but I went to see Jeff, which was good fun. He lives in a lovely little flat (not quite as small as mine, but almost as charming). We caught up and randomly chatted and read through encyclopaedias of food, proper names, and Sussex place-names. And he taught me the basics of meditation and insisted I should keep at it, and that it would help me deal with my, um, anger issues. I’ll… give it a try (maybe).

Anyway. I shall be assisting him in learning German. In return he will pay me and give me a foldable chair (I know, weird things…). He also offered to teach me shorthand, which I have decided to accept as well. New knowledge = always good. New knowledge for free = even better. New knowledge for free with someone egging you on when you slack off = perfect.

Then, because I was in Seven Dials (a.k.a. end of the world), I went to see my slore and spent a few very pleasant hours in her company, insulting her and generally gossiping, giving and getting advice and squishing her guinea pig (and apparently looking happy while doing so). This was also very fun.

By the time I finally made it home (11pm) I felt very sociable. Two people in one day! I didn’t know I still had it in me.


J said on Jan 10, 2007 at 10:15 pm

Hey bitch, it’s been sometime, huh?

Sounds like you’re keeping busy and you sound pretty happy too, good for you for being productive!

j x

Clarissa said on Jan 10, 2007 at 10:21 pm

Hey, where you been at? Not heard from you in ages and you didn’t reply to my latest email. 🙁

J said on Jan 11, 2007 at 2:32 pm

Oh, I’m sorry. when did you send it and to which address.

Clarissa said on Jan 11, 2007 at 3:01 pm

Work. Not sure when cuz I’m on the laptop now. 😛
Is ok tho. Was just wondering if you were still alive.

J said on Jan 11, 2007 at 5:25 pm

Yeah! Unfortunatly for some! Muh hah ha!

Might catch you on messenger sometime soon but I’ve been trying to stay away from the net when I’m back home for a wee while.


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