Charliepics… and not much else
Posted on June 2nd, 2007 @ 22:26 in Uncategorized
Aight, so I have a Charlie. And we have pics.

He got me lots of green things! Like this very funky candle holder thing. 😀

Skinny Charlie and fat Wam on the beach.

Charlie IN THE SEA. Not sure what he was doing.

OMG, all the greenness!!! Newhaven Sainsbury’s, Charlie in pyjama pants. *lol*
Yeah and then we went to Beachy Head…

Just a… Charlie? A very cute one.

No comment… but I had to post it. Dedicated to Mel.

Skinny Charlie and fat Wam on a bench.

Scary cliffs that we did not jump off.

We like this pic of us.

We like this one also. Cuz we love ourselves ‘n’ all.
LOL, the tree is missing though!
I know!!! :(( But there are no trees at Beachy Head.
So I now officially rename the meme from “my friends in front of obese people under trees” to “Mel or Charlie in front of obese people full stop” 😀
The culmination of this shall be a picture of Mel and Charlie in front of an obese person… hopefully to be achieved before the end of July? :wh
Those pics are so cute.
(waist =P~ )
And LMAO @ Mel pic 😀 😀 😀
and =P~ indeed
useless cuntface.
I am touched. 😀
🙂 😡
Blue =p~
When can I leave work? I want to die.
you have left work now 😀
Ja, I have… but I have to go back tomorrow. Off on Friday so it’s not so bad though. 😀