Boredom begone!!!
Posted on May 20th, 2007 @ 16:00 in Uncategorized
Another update… just for Michelle!

*tap tap* Is this thing on?
Another update… just for Michelle!
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LOL, thanx. But this is so short, it makes me feel like I still want more updates.
But I have nothing to talk about. If you’re that desperate I can just… copy a short story by E.A. Poe into a new entry? 😐
No. You know I’m a bad reader. I only read crappy blog entries by not famous individuals.
:)) Sorry, can’t help you there for now then.
oooh, My Family! I want!
You still have my Fresh Prince :wh
Aw… shit, yeah I do. In the post tomorrow.
Promise! *muwa*
ok 😛
You could send me Fresh Prince. I love that show!
And me!
Me three! Errr….
At work. Bored. I have no one to talk to because that selfish fucker BML quit and left me alone. How very DARE she!!!
lmao poor Mel
I feel your pain Mel, I have no one to talk to either…. Meh. Stupid BML. Get a job and like it, bitch!
Why don’t J and Mel talk to each other then? 😕
’cause we don’t have each others email addresses.
You have each other on Myspace. You can exchange email addresses there. 😐
Hmmmm… I suppose we could bitch about BML all day long. That would be fun.
Sounds like a plan! 😀