Mika – and it was the End

Posted on May 15th, 2007 @ 22:39 in Uncategorized

So I saw Mika. Live. Twice.

I won’t go in chronological order for once since pretty much everyone seems to want to know about the Mika competition thing… yeah so I did win tickets. As you might remember from earlier entries the organisation had sorta sucked and it certainly didn’t improve. So no one ever got in touch, even tho I emailed wifey about 3 times.

I still travelled to London and met with my Lord Mel, and then we tried to find people outside the venue, and make ourselves heard, and so on. But no one fucking cared, even tho people at the stage entrance said they’d passed on the message. Hooray. But then stupid competition girly turned up with the other winners (who – only ray of light! – were really cute) so we latched onto them. She went like “Oh I thought you weren’t coming?” – so basically she had got it all wrong. 😐 She had not expected us, we were not on the guest list, she had no proper tickets for us, and she didn’t seem terribly bothered about it either!! 8-|

So yeah in the end we were on the balcony, way back, with a shit view, and I was incredibly annoyed and exhausted and very unfun. I would like to apologize (again) to lovely Mel who of course didn’t deserve my shit mood and put up with me and did her best to cheer me up, and managed eventually during I Want You Back so I actually did enjoy the end of the concert (cuz before that I did a very good job at actively unenjoying it).

But yeah I am generally annoyed and disappointed about this, and planning to complain… but may decide not to bother in the end cuz I am too lazy or sth? Am definitely over the whole Mika experience for now tho. Roll on next Placebo concert! (incidentally, the RUTH video is released tomorrow!)

Ok but I’ll not end on a negative Mika note, for of course I did go to Mika’s Brighton concert on Friday night as well, and that was generally rather nice. He was cute, I was close to the stage, he was curly-haired, he played I Want You Back, I was happy, it was worth it, he’s a good entertainer and rather adorable, if only the people around him didn’t suck. 😐

But there’s always Mel. And she is wonderful. 😡


Val said on May 15, 2007 at 11:13 pm

Mmh, I am very disappointed although I wasn’t even there, lol. Their organization sucks big time. I’d let Mika (My Ipod Knows All) know…

Mel said on May 15, 2007 at 11:22 pm

Wee got free lollipops!

And we met that guy with the big balloon!

Clarissa said on May 16, 2007 at 12:37 am

I love Mel 😡

stagiaire said on May 16, 2007 at 8:13 am

Ah, that’s dumb. I already thought you were completely over Mika.

Clarissa said on May 16, 2007 at 8:59 am

I am 😀

BML said on May 16, 2007 at 9:20 am

Hmmm, that sucks. We say the same about MJ all the time – if only the people around him didn’t suck so much it’d be a whole lot more fun being a fan. Damn them all.

Clarissa said on May 16, 2007 at 10:07 am

lol yes Mel and I joked about the MJ parallel a whole lot on Monday night.

stagiaire said on May 16, 2007 at 11:07 am

You don’t like HIM anymore now cuz of that? I thought you still did, but you don’t like the people around him. Thing is, probably in reality he’s as stupid as the others are, that’s why he doesn’t mind hanging out with the other stupid people. Maybe he just looks good on the outside.

I wouldn’t say that about MJ though. I think MJ has his low moments, but I think he’s a gorgeous person mostly, and he just doesn’t care too much or he’s too naive to see what people are doing around him.

Clarissa said on May 16, 2007 at 12:10 pm

No of course I don’t really think HE sucks – I still find him lovable and a great entertainer (cf end of entry).
But the whole experience of “going to gigs and events” depends a whole lot on the people around him (just as loitering about MJ’s hotels is so much more fun if you get useful info from his people).

And because I semi-deliberately chose to become Mika-obsessed because it seemed fun, I can also decide to put an end to it because it is unfun.

But if I had to compare Mika to MJ, Mika would certainly win. He started out being really popular, what, 3 months ago? If things around him suck he’s not really to blame. Whereas MJ, having been in the business since he was 11, should really have a fucking clue. So yeah he may be a nice person, but that doesn’t excuse him from being a shit businessman. 😐


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