Yay! I cracked the javascript!

Posted on January 5th, 2007 @ 00:11 in Uncategorized

I managed to customize the buttons on the WordPress “new post” interface. I tried the other day and just didn’t understand it. It was really rather frustrating. I know I’m not the brightest cookie when it comes to programming languages, but this made absolutely no sense to me, and it was kinda scary to think I’d really become that stupid. So I guess figuring it out means I’ve not become quite that stupid, but rather that attention-deficity. Or a combination of both. 😐

I shall try the password-protected feature next… partly because people have been all excited about it, and partly cuz I wanna see if I feel less inhibited when writing in a more private environment. I’ve not been that keen on sharing stuff on here recently. This was partly the reason for the change/move.

Oh btw, the password cookies are set to work on myowndamn.biz, rather than www.myowndamn.biz… so if you enter the password and still can’t see the entry, either remove the www or click on the permalink to the entry (which will do the same thing). And, again, if you don’t have the password yet, drop me a line (contact form above!).


BML said on Jan 5, 2007 at 1:17 am

I love being the first to comment. Even if it is only on a shit site like this one.

Love you.

Clarissa said on Jan 5, 2007 at 2:00 am

Effing hell, shouldn’t you be asleep?! Wench. 😡


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