Goodness, is that the time?

Posted on April 9th, 2009 @ 23:29 in Uncategorized

I have to hurry to get my daily blog in before midnight. I also have to sleep soon. As most of you may know I’ve got my mum visiting at the moment, it’s been fun and we’ve only argued once so far. Been shopping (oh man my feet hurt), then lazed about, looked at pics, lazed about some more, went food-shopping, had dinner, the end.

It’s funny to have her here tho, it’s occurred to me I’ve never properly been her host before (with her staying at my flat & all. last time she came I offloaded her to a B&B cuz I was paranoid she’d find my flat messy & dirty if she stayed too long). I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s some sort of growing up ritual (at 31, eek), but it’s kinda nice to realise I’ve actually figured some stuff out by myself and now I can welcome her in my little flat and show her how things work, make the bed for her etc (I was a very spoilt child – still am I know – and always pretty much had stuff done for me lol). I sort of cleaned up around the kitchen after she’d gone to bed and that felt very weird. :)) 😐

She also likes the flat, and Brighton. It’s cute how she gets excited about British stuff (she’s been before… been a while tho). She wasn’t impressed that there’s no hot water at the taps in my flat tho. :)) I’d sorta intended to tell her / ask if she wanted me to put the boiler on, but then I forgot. She took it well tho and washed her face & teeth in the shower. πŸ˜€

Yeah anyway, I really need to sleep. We’re off to Dorset tomorrow, I am plannning to keep up the daily blogging but you can expect the updates to be pretty short, typing is sort of a pain on the iPhone. Hopefully I’ll make up for it by bringing back lots of pretty pics – which won’t have any people in them I know so Mon will find them boring. But there will be monkeys! :]


stagiaire said on Apr 9, 2009 at 11:33 pm

Want pickshures of you and mom! Though.
It’s great you’re enjoying her stay so far.

Clarissa said on Apr 9, 2009 at 11:36 pm

Hey, you read while I was still editing. You should be in bed! Now read again! :no
Maybe we’ll ask Kate to take a pic of us or sth. But we’re really not that keen on pics of ourselves, either of us. 😐

JarJar said on Apr 10, 2009 at 12:21 pm

“She wasn’t impressed that there’s no hot water at the taps in my flat tho. I’d sorta intended to tell her / ask if she wanted me to put the boiler on, but then I forgot.”
LMAO are you kidding me?!

Clarissa said on Apr 10, 2009 at 12:40 pm

Nope. Is difficult to remember when you never use! 😐

JarJar said on Apr 12, 2009 at 7:26 am

*lol* I wouldn’t be impressed either if I were her. :p Why is your shower and tap not on the same bolier btw? πŸ˜• What about your washing machine? How do you do your dishes?

Clarissa said on Apr 12, 2009 at 8:56 am

Shower has a separate… Durchlauferhitzer. Like electric thing. Is often like that in UK.
If I have a few dishes I wash cold & if there’s more I boil some water in the kettle.
Washmach heats up the water itself.

JarJar said on Apr 13, 2009 at 7:36 am

Is it also common there to only use cold water for hands/dishes? You’re like on a constant campingtrip with no hot water. :))

Clarissa said on Apr 13, 2009 at 9:22 pm

No I guess it isn’t, well I dunno maybe some people. It just doesn’t make sense for me to have the boiler on for as little as I use it.
And I’m not on a camping trip cuz my flat is nice and warm. Not cold like a tent. 😐


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