Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika
Yeah so Mika and then Mika… some Mika mikaed but Mika – mika!!! Mika Mika and mika-y Mika, then Mika… er ok you get the drift. Meet my new obsession… Mika! With apologies to Mon cuz I kinda copied her obsession. But OMFG HE’S SO DAMN CUTE!!!!!!!!!! Sooo… have a video!!!!!
Of Mika of course, not of myself. At the signing. I asked him about Norway, to please Mon. And filmed him, as I suspected otherwise Mon wouldn’t believe me. The first thing he says is “I like your T-shirt” btw – and it was this shirt:

*teehee* :wh Oh and in case you don’t understand a word he’s saying, here’s a transcript. Cuz he’s cute. Darn incredibly wonderfully cute. Mika in italics. (and yes I got him to sign my online name. Why not? And I was hoping I wouldn’t have to spell it that way… but I still did. and got it wrong :)) )
I like your T-shirt
Thank you! Can you do it to Clarissa?
Aand I have to ask you for my friend why you’re not going to Norway cuz she’s very disappointed.
I AM going to Norway!
Are you? She’ll be very happy (mumble mumble sth).
Yeah. Are you filming? [to cam] I am doing Norway this summer!
I’m doing at least one festival.
Cool. Is that in Oslo?
I’m not sure.
Woo thank you!
Clarissa CL…
CLAR double I… er I double S A (sorry can’t spell my own name)
There you go love.
Thank you very much!
Aye. Mon has done some research since tho and found out that he may not do Norway after all… according to his agent… cuz he doesn’t have time until after the festivals are over or sth. Oh well, we shall see. I got him to sign my newly bought Love Today 7″ – tho I don’t actually like the song.

And the lovely Mel made him sign my copy of attitude, also to my name…

We’d considered getting him to sign something to “eBay buyer” but then decided against it. Besides by the time we’d made it to the front and seen his biiiiiiiig cuuuuuuute lovelyyyyy smile a few times I was far too enamoured to part with either autograph. 😡 😡 😡
Before the show we’d gone to see Alisdair at his work (which is just next door) and he had given us, in his infinite kindness, two gay rubbers BA erasers each.

Mel presented one of them to him (to Mika, not to Alisdair) and he was very impressed – leaned back in his chair, looked at it and giggled. In a very cute way. Of course. Because he is very cute. I am sad I missed the giggling (security had shooed me on). But I am glad Mel got to witness it.
She also outed herself as the one who’d screamed “Billie Jean!!!” during the performance (for indeed she had – he had responded by going “Billie Jean?!”) and he said something like “We’re actually working on a Jackson 5 song to do in the shows..” How very… yes yes you’ve guessed it… cute. 😡 😡 😡
Yeah cuz before the signing there was of course a performance. Which was also very cute. I made videos but they’re short and crappy and much like the hundreds of other videos on Youtube. So I won’t bother uploading them.
Um yeah I think that’s pretty much it. I am very very very glad I went, and I am looking forward to more Mika obsession and stalking. Must get tickets for Brighton show. Or if I can’t then at least stalk him afterwards. Also must take part in this competition… and win of course! *lol* And finally, must kidnap Mika and keep him and gaze at him lovingly. 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 (I may let Mon borrow him from time to time, since she got me into him :wh )
PS Oh DAYUM!!!! To make him even more perfect…. accentless French speaking & singing Mika . And he got into Queen the same age as me!! And… ooooh. 😡 😡 😡 Sorry Brian, I think you’ve been dethroned for good. :-S
He is very, very cute. I may have to move to England. 😐
Cute 🙂 🙂 🙂 I’m not really a fan, but that is a VERY cute meeting story & he sounds lovely 😀
😀 @ Mon moving to England. *goes to collect more stories of Mika’s cuteness to convince her*
And he is lovely indeed! 😡 😡 😡
Waaaah I want those erasers.
lololol I can send you one since I still have 2. One day. :wh
:)) wooo!
Did someone call me?
Woo! You came! 😡
I have decided you love Mika so much (from that bad quality video) because he looks like The Great Wonder Charles 😀
so why do you like him? (|