Friday November 26, 2004


Category: Life & Me | 9 Comments | Posted 1:00

Well at least I am. With the most important of my files. Without my PC tho I guess.

You know when you read stuff like "all his personal effects fit into a tattered little suitcase"? Well mine fit onto 3CDs. I discarded any superfluous or replacable crap and went from 15GB to 2GB and I am well proud of it. I managed to burn it all on 3 CDs and now I have nothing to lose.

It's incredibly exhilarating. It's been years since I could do the most horrible things to a PC and not care one bit about the consequences. Tonight I will sleep, but tomorrow he will suffer. 8-} How cruel of me.

Seriously tho. First step will be complete reformat and reinstall... and if it's a hardware problem I guess I will get myself a new hard drive. Well I'll have to think about it. This stuff is actually 2.5yrs old so maybe it would be time for a new PC, but really I am fairly happy with the hardware.

Er anyway. Techtalk. On a more immediate scale... well tomorrow is work. Saturday is London (appointment with careers person, then meeting Ian & collecting Tommy, going for lunch, dragging Ian & Tommy to Tate Modern...), then work (again. one last time. at Asda).

Then getting back and quickly getting Tommy onto the LAN and downloading important stuff like Yahoo (my mum's already warned me I am to stay far away from her laptop lol. Well screw her for I have a Tommy). Then Sunday is getting-up-early and driving-to-Lux.

Yeah and then Lux and probably back Sunday after tho maybe Saturday but not that much difference. And then Monday work at 9.45 and Tuesday work and work every weekday after that which is very scary innit but it's gotta be done or tried at least and it may be fun and it brings money and I like money.

The end. Now lemme see if I can post this without crashing hehehehe.


Sounds nice and busy ( )

Posted by: Lo at Fri November 26, 2004 9:53

Posted by: Clarissa at Fri November 26, 2004 12:36

What a frantic entry *rubs head*

Anyway, so you're still going to the careers woman?

Posted by: BML I Am at Fri November 26, 2004 13:06

What a hectic life you lead.

I took this little blue pill, but I don't feel any different.

And I can't get on LiveJournal. Fuckers.


Posted by: at Fri November 26, 2004 13:22

FYI, Twas me above

Posted by: Tay at Fri November 26, 2004 13:23

too tired (and hungry) to write anyfing!

Posted by: Mel at Fri November 26, 2004 14:04

Aye @ careers woman (as I've just explained to you.. in person! Scary lol)

I can get on LJ (LiveJournal. Well I can get on my flatmate too if I so desire).
What blue pill? Viagra?

Mel update!

Posted by: Clarissa at Fri November 26, 2004 18:20

Will do.. when I have time.. or energy.. this weekend hopefully!

I have juicy Darren Hayes concert to write about as well as attending a Benjamin Zephaniah reading and meeting the man himself and having my poetry book signed. woo!

Posted by: Mel at Fri November 26, 2004 19:08

haha, also thought "Viagra" when I read "blue pill"

Posted by: Val at Fri November 26, 2004 21:15