I wasn't actually gonna write about this at all cuz everyone else does and there is little new one can say about it. But I have been accused of being cynical (of course) and contradictory (quite possibly) and distasteful (perhaps) and evil (don't think so) so I thought I would take the time to explain my very personal position.
One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic. (Joseph Stalin)
Saying something like that is cynical. Saying something like that when you're responsible for millions of deaths is horribly cynical and very tasteless. Quoting someone who was responsible for millions of deaths saying this is... very cynical and fairly tasteless.
However, despite the fact that the person who said this was the only monster of the 20th century to match Hitler, I maintain that it's true. Well it's true for me, the cynic. And it's true for almost every single one of you too if you're honest and don't pretend to be so fucking politically correct.
The contradiction here is of course - every single one of those 150,000 deaths (or whatever it will be in the end) is ONE death. And yes, every single one of them is a tragedy, with people left behind, destitute and devastated. But if we do not know about their individual sad stories, it does not touch us. Don't pretend it does - if you do you're nothing but a hypocrite!
We can hear any old number of casualties & not care. Have you ever shed a single tear over the hundreds of thousands of Tutsi slaughtered in Rwanda? Or the millions killed at the hands of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia? Every single one of them was a tragedy too, and an avoidable one at that!!!
Of course the earthquake was a disaster, a catastrophy. It's terrible, the living conditions in those countries are inconceivable - 1500 out of 2000 policemen in Banda Aceh have died! I cannot even begin to imagine the work that will go into building up those regions again. And no I have no fucking clue what it's like to walk through your completely destroyed town looking for your friends and family, barely able to breathe for the smell of decay, bloated and unrecognizable bodies heaped up all over. It must be horrible.
But really, it's far away, I don't know anyone who died, it doesn't concern me personally at all. Sure, whenever I read another heart-wrenching story (read is all I do as I have no TV) I get sad and often I cry. But unless you put a face on it it means nothing to me!!!! And you can tell me any sad story ("random guy gets bitten by snake in South Africa & dies, his wife is heartbroken") and I will be sad. The fact that LOADS of them died at the same time doesn't make any difference whatsoever.
I am sorry but these things happen all the time! They have for as long as the Earth has existed. Natural disasters are unavoidable!! People die!!!! Sometimes loads of them!!! No I won't blame it on the media that this happened, but if the media didn't broadcast it live into your homes none of you would give a flying fuck! And no I'm not blaming anyone for being compassionate - but don't accuse me of being tasteless and evil just because I can make a joke about it!
PS For the record - I do not (and would never) deride the efforts to help. I think the international reaction has been remarkable (and yes of course that's thanks to the media as well). I have donated myself (tho I left it a bit late) - and I also would like to stress that I don't want people to suffer and I will or would help them whenever I can. What I hate is false piety & hypocrisy.
Hypocritical pseudo-pity does not equal goodness, and cynical distance does not equal tasteless evil. *lol*
You expressed my opinion so much more eloquently than I ever could. Very good post. And yeah, I donated a little money, too. I am glad I read this before signing off tonight. *Bravo*
Posted by: Anne on Sun January 2, 2005 at 23:11OK, now im gonna be an arse and not reply to your very important topic. Instead Im gonna reply to your text message. Ive got no money on my phone so i cant text you back.
The pictures can be found in My Documents/EA Games/Sims2 or something like that. Then you find them in the folder called 'storytelling'. Maxis own photos are there too so you might have to look a while before you can find them.
to both of you
Why aren't you online? I've (hopefully) fixed connection so it won't keep dying. Apparently USB ports are able to power off in order to save power. Seeing as this is a desktop I do not see how this makes much difference since a) its hooked up to the mains b) I don't pay for electricity, or the internet subscription, or anything much really
Posted by: Tay on Sun January 2, 2005 at 23:36I'm here I'm here!
But why would it power off if it's active!?
"You expressed my opinion so much more eloquently than I ever could."
Ja she's great isn't she.
(Even though I'm not completely sure if we have exactly the same opinion on this, but that's not the point. )
eugh! Who gives a fuck?! They are poor and worthless and unless their deaths make my sweaters cost any more kill them by gun if not by natural causes!!!!!!!!
Posted by: squiZZ on Mon January 3, 2005 at 1:03I have a cute Mon!
lol @ squiZZ. of course dear. *pats head*
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon January 3, 2005 at 2:59Absolutely agree with you.
Posted by: Suha on Mon January 3, 2005 at 6:43Squizz, you're a disgusting little cunt.
One of my bestfriends is still missing. Go fuck yourself.
Posted by: Jess on Wed January 5, 2005 at 12:07Oh yes, and in other news -- Clarissa you make a good point. I do agree in some way, however, something of such mammoth proportions does not happen "all the time" ...
However, this tragedy has hit home more than any other, so you'll have to forgive my apparent hypocrisy, as hearing another friend's story of survival from Phuket has made it all realistic.
Posted by: Jess on Wed January 5, 2005 at 12:10Jess that's just what I said in my entry - any individual story will have an effect of course. However the pure numbers don't.
And it does happen "all the time" if you look at it on a bigger scale. Am currently reading Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything... lol