Creative output of the day
Category: Photography | 27 Comments | Posted 2:48With the headache finally gone, I was feeling all creative today. I had all these different things planned - playing with my Drawing Tablet, working on a new layout, taking pictures... in the end, I did several photo shots. Some of the pics will end up on the webcam, hehe. Like right now (giggle).
Right, then I had this idea... and the result is my fabulous Guide to becoming Jamie Leigh. Well, this is only the beginning (if I can be bothered going on with it that is). No offence to Jamie Leigh of course.
LMAO!!! I LOVE IT CLARISSA!! you must be the bordest person on earth!! and you are SO going to hate me for saying this but I really think you look mire like Celiene Dion than Jmaie Liegh..i sitll love you tho
Posted by: Kal at October 2, 2003 04:22 AMHonestly, I find what you did to be brilliant and very funny, in fact it made my night so thank you. I am so impressed how much time and effort you put into that, it came together very nicely if I do say so myself. It doesn't hurt that you are a beautiful girl either, but then again, I am certain you already know that about yourself.
Again, I loved seeing this, maybe I'll even mention it at my site, I think others should see it also. I am very flattered.
Definitly fun and definitly something I enjoyed.
Love from Marley and I.
Jamie Leigh
Posted by: Jamie Leigh at October 2, 2003 04:44 AMlmao, Thanks for the great e-Entertainment!
Posted by: Angie at October 2, 2003 05:59 AMthe Right/Wrong pictures were cool.
I must add, I am most fond of the drawing of the "house" i photoshopped pics!
you are fierce gurl!
Posted by: Kal at October 2, 2003 06:30 AMdamn clarissa! that was fabulous. I couldn't stop laughing... can't wait for the next installment. this is better than any soap. glad ur headache is better, too.
Posted by: Anne at October 2, 2003 09:38 AMLMFAO!! genius Clarissa!! pure genius!!
Posted by: squiZZ at October 2, 2003 10:25 AM Aaaah that was hilarious.
Can't wait to see the 'confusing website' one tho... um... how about you just stand with a bucket of paint and throw it over the PC screen til it all comes dripping down. But it's not splodges... it's ART.
Posted by: The BML at October 2, 2003 10:42 AMOh my God! That's one of the funniest things I've ever seen! Well done!
Posted by: Jar Jar at October 2, 2003 11:10 AMThat must be the funniest thing I've ever seen online!!!!!
Heeheehee glad you guys liked it.
And glad JL is not mad
But this page is still the best parody I've seen. When I saw it first I could hardly breathe from laughing.
But it's so mean.
LMAO yeah I saw that a while back.
Those pictures are so creepy on that site, it gives me shivers and goosebumps.
LOL she looks rather deranged.
Maybe that was the intention
How could I be mad, that's the highest compliment anyone could ask for. You got pretty close, still a bit to Dion-ish as someone else said, but clearly, you have the time I am certain if you keep working on it, keep posing, keep buying all those accessories, grow your hair a bit longer and dye it blonde (I've got this kick ass horse shampoo that makes your hair grow 'naturally' 4 inches in a month, unless of course you don't have patience like me and want to can that and opt for the extentions and it's naturally blonde like mine ) And bam, it's a pretty good imitation. Not quite 'cigar-close' but in the general vacinity. I am confident though if you take the time you did to do this you'll get it right in no time at all, I can't wait to see your progress, I hope you share them like you said!
Can I hire you?? I may need you in a few years if things start going bumpity bump in the night.
Thanks again for the laughs as well, I thought it was great and very funny, don't stop this entertainment.
Time to jet, take good care now. :)
Love, JL
Posted by: Jamie Leigh at October 2, 2003 03:38 PMLMAO.
BML, I've honestly got to run but check your local pet shops, they usually have those things on backstorage and black hole storage for years so they never run out. I take Marley to this one shop down the road (it's all corn, the shop is smack in the middle) which he loves, I always get him a new toy each time, he's got a zillion, and I see it. Pet shops, those are the golden eggs I'm tellin ya! But you gotta be on guard, since it's not meant for humans the hair can instantly dry up, shrivel, and fall out when you least expect it, might need a professional to do it. Then again it's just hair, if you're into horses though I can suggest plenty of other means of "artistic" entertainment to keep you occupied, lol.
Take Care, Bye!
OK this is scary, are you serious about the shampoo? I mean, I have a horse and have had horse shampoo... never thought of using it myself. Why didn't you tell me this before I cut it from 'below shoulder length' to '3 inches long'? So THAT's what all the stars use...
UGH @ the Celine Dion thing tho.
Not sure if I'll do the make up/webcam thing again. Rather time-consuming. *lol*
>> plenty of other means of "artistic" entertainment
Um... *has second thoughts about the horse shampoo*
Maybe not...
How come horses' hair isn't really long then?
LOL I think this applies to mane and tail. Some people get REALLY extreme and grow it veeeery long - like, mane down to the ground and tail so long they have to put knots in it. Which is pretty in a way... but faaaaar too much hassle for what it's worth.
Posted by: Clarissa at October 2, 2003 06:24 PMLMAO indeed
Clarissa, maybe you should try the shampoo and do a guide to how to wash your hair with things that arent made for humans.
Jesus! I laughed so much my flatmate and her friend must think I'm derarranged! Errr... even more so!
Posted by: Mel at October 4, 2003 02:16 PMquote: maybe you should try the shampoo and do a guide to how to wash your hair with things that arent made for humans.
And LMAO @ maybe that's what the stars use!!
That was brilliant, Citz! No, DO the cam shots again - they're brilliant! LOL wonder did you mangage to get all that eyeliner off by now!
I wish I could spell.. "derranged" ???
Posted by: Mel at October 7, 2003 12:59 AM
LMAO!!!!!!!! Oh God... The Guide... oh my... No offence to Jamie Leigh, cause she's inspired a lot of other people online, but God... Im still laughing! I would never have the GUTS to do that. Youre brave, Clarissa!
Posted by: Vega at October 2, 2003 03:55 AM