It's been a while after all. I've had the most incredible sleep marathon over the past 2 days, inspired by the most nasty headache / general shitfeelingness, from which I deduct the following: my happy pillls and excessive alcohol do not mix. So I'd say I've learnt my lesson.
Too much sleep is supposedly bad for you, but then sleep is a good waste of time when the general state of affairs is extreme boredom. I've also been reading a lot, and that's never a bad thing.
I managed to take a break from boredom over the weekend tho - I went to see squiZZ and Notting Hill Carnival with his housemates (this is where the drinking happened as you may guess). It was too much socialising too early with too many scary people, but once I was drunk it wasn't so bad. We also met Mark, which was also great fun, and now we're talking again.
(see I was kinda rude to him back in January... but he was annoying *snigger*)
squiZZ got very drunk incidentally, more than me, and he was very entertaining to watch. I shall perhaps show you some pictures? Yes, let me do that. Don't you think he looks Molkoish? Also hot, but that's nothing new.
Aaafter that squiZZ fell asleep pretty soon and I watched Der Untergang. Tuesday I came back to Brighton and went to see my counsellor person - well apparently I'm seeing her again next week lol, guess she wasn't so bad this time - and then I kinda came home and collapsed in bed and slept loads and wasted time online and other things.
This afternoon I'm meeting Vega.
Tomorrow night I'm leaving for Paris.
And that is all my dears.
oooohh! That looked like a fun day! Squiz is looking especially cute! I hope that's MAC make up he's wearing.
Would like to have seen some pic of you though...
Sorry, no pics of me... I was holding the cam!
quiZZ looks Tokio Hotelish.
If you think about giving up on one of the two - pills or alcohol - choose the latter.
(but Bill looks like a mini-Brian anyway)
And jaja @ choice
squi putting make-up on Olivia. (Victoria is Nick's horrendous friend remember!)
squi with C.J. (Nadias friend who doesn't even live here like the two Rebeccas do!)
and ja, probably was wrestling Nadia
I knew I'd get the stupid housemates and housematefriends all wrong.
Errrr, you edited my comment, meh. I said quiZZ on purpose!
will change it back
squizzle is looking hot! very lean and tall. and yeah he and brian and bill they're all fine. tall, slender men with dark hair are just nice to look at.
Now I know why you all fell for MJ, too.
squiZZ only looks tall cuz he's so scary skinny.
(and Brian is quite short actually. dunno about Bill)
PS Men in make up. Nuff said.
Cool pics!! Looks like fun
fun - the cup Squizz is drinking from is one fifth the size I drink from when I am out at the local fair.
nuff said
Posted by: kal on Fri September 1, 2006 at 20:04Yeah, I think you should update.
Jaja, later today. Just got back from Paris.
Posted by: Clarissa on Tue September 5, 2006 at 7:59