Copenhagen - Ninahagen - geddit? No? Ok nevermind.
Just thought I'd say hi.
Graham gave me a distinction on my Marketing practise exam, whee! I very much doubt the actual examiners will be as lax as him but I'm happy all the same. I also didn't find the PR practise questions we looked at yesterday all too scary, so that's covered too. Advertising today was a bit more disconcerting (esp. as I revised that over the weekend!) but oh well. I have plenty of time. So going to a Placebo concert in France the week-end before the exams shouldn't be a problem right?
We (squiZZ and I) are also going to see them in Paris in October, wooo!!!!! Oh and before that (Sunday and Tuesday!!!!!) there is of course Birmingham and London.
Which will also feature a Thomas!!!!
Um yeah. Wanna hear about my web design project? I'm redesigning the website for Evolution (my fave shops in Brighton! but their site sucks). I'm pretty much done with the different pages, just need to add all relevant contents now. I'm well chuffed cuz it works in IE6, Firefox, Safari and Opera and it passed the W3 validator! w00t w00t! *lol* I'll show you the end result when it's done.
In other news, Jeff-the-can-man has got another small translation job for me (I translated something for him the other week and earned myself some extra cash). Oh and I've been to the hairdresser to have my hair cut. Will bleach/dye it tomorrow and then I'll be all red and shiny again (yes I'll post pics).
Scary garden person.
Garden person?
hagen = garden
lol ah
Posted by: Clarissa on Fri April 7, 2006 at 17:04Who is the can man?
God that site sucks... well done on doing so well tho, knew you could do it!
PR tutor.
Posted by: Clarissa on Fri April 7, 2006 at 21:54why dont you have an RSS feed in here?
Posted by: Kal on Sat April 8, 2006 at 2:00Ooh - red cape!
Can't wait to see your design.
Posted by: Woods on Sat April 8, 2006 at 15:24Kal - don't see the point.
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon April 10, 2006 at 13:03