I should be revising PR. I've also just remembered that I have to write a release for tomorrow. So here's my Copenhagen report instead.
Right, so the weather was quite shit, it rained on and off pretty much the whole time (mainly on). Consequently we didn't do an awful lot of sightseeing. I wanted to see the colourful houses so we went to see those.
And also some other... things. For example:
Um yeah. We didn't go to see the mermaid cuz Charlotte said the harbour would be cold and windy. Instead we went to a cemetery. It was raining there too so we didn't stay very long unfortunately. But was still nice.
We also saw Hans Christian Andersen's and SøøøØØØøøøren (thanks d ) Kierkegaard's graves, but they're both boring so you shan't see pics. And we went shopping for stuff. Almost all of it isn't for me so you shan't see pics of that either.
Most of the time was spent at Charlotte's very cute little flat (she complained about it a lot, but I really liked it). We had a lot of fun there, mainly chatting, commenting TV programmes and sipping tea and champagne. Oh, and sleeping loads.
Charlotte has a cute pigeon she's looking after. See, basically they found it cold and hungry outside their flat about a fortnight ago so decided to take it in for the night. They fed & warmed it, and the next day they let it fly... and in the evening it returned. So now she has it ithere until she can give it to friends of hers who have pigeons. When she's at home it can fly around in the kitchen and corridor (her flat is on 2 levels). This is quite amusing. So you shall see pics of the pigeon.
The 2nd day we thought it would be fun to put some water in the kitchen sink to make a birdbath. The pigeon thought it was fun too.
... but it wasn't completely dry of course so then it was cold and shivered.
After I took this pic I said "now crap" and it did! Literally just as I said it. I of course found that hilarious. Charlotte did too, tho slightly less so.
Anyway, pigeon still cold so she decided to blow-dry it.
Yeah that's all, pigeon-wise. Cute tho yes? (I don't usually like pigeons tbh. And yes it does crap on the floor and on things and she cleans up after it. That's birdlove for ya! lol)
On Monday I met a Dee. We had very little time cuz... well I didn't go long enough and stuff. Plus because bloody BA wouldn't let me check in online we had to go to the airport pretty much straight away. Dee got me a cuuute colourful little cow!
And took a pic of me on the train, and because my scarf expertly hides my double chin you may see it.
So then we sat in some airport café & reminisced about old times and bitched about MJ fans and talked about other stuff... it was very very fun! And we took some more pics too.
Dee was trying to be serious and not managing very well, and I was trying to hide my double chin and not managing very well either.
DISCLAIMER: Please refrain from making bird flu jokes. They're getting old now.
I just realised that I had one more picture that I haven't sent you and that dude is making a funny face in the background Fool. If only he had helped us out a bit sooner *lol*
Will email tomorrow, am beat now.
LMAO I must seeee!!!!
Looooord, what have you guys done to that poor pigeon!! It'll need a therapist after that day.
And I love the colors of those houses in Copenhagen. That's lovely and inspiring.
Posted by: Michelle on Tue April 4, 2006 at 23:21That pigeon is sooooo cute! I can't believe it lets her blow dry it
Awww @ DeeCitz pix, cuuuuuute!
@ therapist. the pigeon is fiiiine
@ more DeeCitz pics
Not gonna happen
(Sorry about the comment mixup btw... changed the time zone on the blog lol)
Posted by: Clarissa on Wed April 5, 2006 at 0:16Woo! A DEE and a Citz. How excitement.
Tho I am mortified @ pigeon pic. Specially when it's all wet and flappy and extra evil. Eep!
Posted by: snow on Wed April 5, 2006 at 0:40 ah yes you're afraid of them too uh?
Cuuuuuuuuuuuute wet bird!!!
*lol* That's adorable. I'd say I want one, but all the pigeons in Brighton do is shit on your head.
Posted by: The BML on Fri April 7, 2006 at 21:37I LOVE the pigeon hahaha I'm partial to birds. It's sooo cute
And LMAO@ the strange grave. That's bloody awesome lol!
Posted by: Jess on Sun April 9, 2006 at 13:24