Ok maybe that sounds a bit too pompous. Anyway, we spent most of yesterday and all of today cleaning and packing and cleaning and driving to the dump and cleaning some more, and now we have no more Jareth.
Was talking with the random ex-flatmate about all the memories we have in that flat - both good and bad - so I just thought why not do a bit of a retrospective (incl. links to relevant entries for the very bored).
- We found Jareth during our mad trip to Brighton in December 2003 (!).
- I moved in mid-Jan and had fun decorating it (and doing other stuff) with a squiZZ whom I'd bullied into visiting me. BML joined shortly after (this entry also contains pics).
- The big event was of course the housewarming party in February with loads of visitors (15 I think). It was very entertaining, featuring a shouting Lisa, also a shouting J, a Tiff running off in a huff at 5am or sth like that and other antics. We lost a squiZZ after the party (but we got him back ), and we lost a Miriam (didn't get her back, but she got a Tom).
- Um tbh I can't remember any remarkable visits after that for a while (I'm sure BML Me had some friends over) until the next squiZZvisit in June/July (with integrated Placebo concert).
- In July we also had a Craig & a Jenny and a J!!!! All at the same time! That was one hell of a crowded Jareth I daresay.
- Then it was quieter for a while, and in November I had a Lo!!!! Again with integrated concert.
- We also had a Vega at some point but I can't remember when. And then in January we had an Ally!!!!
With much drunken debauchery!
(2nd entry down)
- That was it. I moved out, and then BML moved out, and today we cleaned it and gave the keys back so that's it. The end of an era.
How sad
btw, how many times did you use that sandwich maker?
Posted by: squiZZ on Sun March 13, 2005 at 7:23 once I think. My blowhole's taken it to her new flat tho
Awwww @ end of era. *wipes away tear*
Um, yeah. Is very sad indeed. No more Jareth. But now we have lovely Darryls and Eos. Well, one of each but yeah.
RIP Jareth old pal. You served us well.
Posted by: Random Ex Flatmate AKA Blowhole on Sun March 13, 2005 at 11:09When are the Darryl/Eo flatwarming parties???
Posted by: Mel on Sun March 13, 2005 at 13:12£2 clocks can be found in Churchill Square shopping center, in a shop called Must Have It. Its located on the lower floor, next to the escalators. But they might not have them any more because they were on sale. But worth checking out that shop anyway, cause they had lots of cool stuff costing almost nothing.
Posted by: Vega on Sun March 13, 2005 at 13:52Thanks Vega! I figured it was them cuz when I walked past they had closing down sale. They didn't have the £2 ones anymore but I bought a digital one for £5 which is better for dunces like me who can't read normal ones.
@ Mel. There will be no more drama aka flatwarming parties!
Scary house warming party.
Well wasn't scary, was entertaining But got scary later.
Which is why no more housewarming parties cuz I wanna keep my friends
Eurgh @ parties.
Posted by: BML The on Mon March 14, 2005 at 12:19
I think it would be fun.
(Okay.. my life is dull, I need to liven it up.. I might even start an argument on purpose just to have everyone shouting at me & hating me!)
Posted by: Mel on Mon March 14, 2005 at 16:37