New York, New York

Posted on July 10th, 2015 @ 09:37 in Uncategorized

Did I say “Paris, forever Paris” down there? As predictably as ever, I have (temporarily?) switched my allegiance to New York after spending the two most amazing weeks there. Here is a kinda short travelogue. No, it really will be short. Ish.

So first I went to Montreal where I met Ange. This was my first time in Canada. Montreal is pretty cute, I liked the many things they had going on, street festivals, music, stuff like that. Also the area we were staying was lovely. Their cathedral is also seriously beautiful! And lots of great street art. Also the fact that they speak French is so weird. French! In North America! I did some cycling there as well once Ange had left. I like cycling. 🙂 Then there were thunderstorms and I was stuck there for an extra day, which meant I didn’t make it to Philly to meet Jimmy’s mom and see the Barnes Collection. 🙁 But I did get to see St Jean, the Quebec National Holiday, which was pretty cute.

But then I made it to New York! And it was awesome! Let me count the ways in which it was awesome (links in the bullet points will be to corresponding Instagram pics):

  • The weather was mostly awesome, except one day where it rained and was cold. But oh, the heat!
  • The cycling is just awesome. Nothing makes me happier than cycling in NYC traffic. Okay, maybe Placebo concerts, but they don’t last as long.
  • The people were mostly awesome. Even the grumpy ones.
  • Gay marriage SCOTUS ruling made it a big awesome celebratory occasion.
  • I was staying in an awesome place just off the Williamsburg Bridge.
  • New York is just so incredible. I kept trying to understand / put into words why I love it so much, but I don’t think it’s rationally explainable. Like being in love. I love the messy bits and the annoying bits just as much as the glorious bits and the beautiful bits. Just the New-York-ness of it all. Wonderful.

So those were some of the reasons it was an amazing trip. Let me now list some of the things I did. Probably not all cuz I’ll have forgotten some.

And mostly I just cycled aaaaaaall over. All over Manhattan and many parts of (gentrified *cough*) Brooklyn, and in the parks and along the rivers and it was glooooorious, the best the best the best. 850km altogether I think (tho that includes Montreal). Really really great. And next year I’m gonna do it all over again. If I can find someone to look after my cat. :))

PS. posting pictures to Instagram is kinda shit cuz now I can’t just link to an album. So here are a few random ones in addition to the ones linked above:


Vega said on Jul 13, 2015 at 8:48 am

You can create “albums” on Instagram by tagging all the photos with a very unique hashtag that no one else is using. :yay

Clarissa said on Jul 13, 2015 at 11:05 pm

Ooooooooh yeah! Hadn’t thought of that. Hm, shall I bother…?


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