Updating so Mon has something to read

Posted on October 8th, 2013 @ 19:09 in Uncategorized

OK, I’m also updating cuz it’s been a while and stuff has been happening. Y’all wanna know about all the stuff that’s been happening, right!? Course you do.

So this is more or less an end of summer update. But let’s start with the end. I ran a half marathon! LOOK! It took me 1:59:38 and I came 999th, isn’t that cool!???!! I think that’s a totally awesome position to finish on. Sure, 1st would’ve been more impressive, but also very much impossible. And considering it was my first race ever and my hip had been throwing a few spanners in the works along the way, it’s a most respectable result. Hip did really really well on the day by the way! I’m fixing it now with lots of strength exercises and stuff. I have to, cuz I’m doing a full marathon in April apparently. Not that keen on it just now but also not backing out, oh no.

So summer. Wasn’t it awesome? Isn’t it sad that it’s over?! I didn’t actually go to the beach that often this year, but I did spend countless mornings on the roof, and I was out cycling and running and generally enjoying the outsideness and I got a pretty amazing tan, which sadly is already fading tho I topped it up a bit this morning, haha. But I think we’re definitely done now with summer. Which means I am spending more time inside, hopefully behind the sewing machine. I have an Etsy store now, dontcha know!? You can find it here. I know, it only has one thing in there for now, but I’ll put more up soon. NO I PROMISE! (I probably shouldn’t link to it from here cuz I think my blog is negative attention for SEO purposes. But whatevs. Go visit, order, buy! *lmao*)

I have four Placebo gigs coming up, did I mention that? Leeds with Thomas 8th Nov, Amsterdam with Cindy 8th Dec, Paris on my own 11th Dec (I think) and then London with Amanda 15th I think, or 16th. That is all my travels I have planned. I also need to apply for the Green Card lottery one final time cuz after immigration reform it looks like they’re getting rid of it. Speaking of immi- or emigration, I still haven’t decided much in that respect… someone contacted me on LinkedIn about a job in Gibraltar and I thought “ooh wasn’t that one of the places on my list”, but then in practice it just doesn’t sound that appealing. I mean, the whole packing up and moving business. And settling somewhere else. Tho I’m still finding countless problems with this country. Anyway.

Going through my daily journal. I went to London at some point to see Bitter Ruin, who are very cute and fun. And went for a long walk with Alisdair. We also had lunch at Inamo. And then it was my birthday and I turned 36 and ate cake and got presents. I was also social at times, had coffee with ex work colleagues, dinner with ex course colleagues, coffee and cake or bike rides with OKC people… yes. And I bought some art at the Brighton Art Fair, and Alisdair had a matryoshka tattooed that I’d drawn, and oh, made a skirt too.

OK I’m kinda done with this now. Should be enough anyway, right? Yeah! 😀

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