Snøøøøøøø!!! (also gen. update)

Posted on February 23rd, 2013 @ 21:47 in Uncategorized

Yes you’ve guessed it, dear reader, I’m in Norway. Tho I admit it wouldn’t be entirely impossible that I was indeed still in Brighton, for apparently it has snowed again there as well. Not like this tho!

So Norway has tons of snow, tho today was kinda warm and some of it has started melting. Shock horror! Can’t it wait until I’m gone!? Two days ago it was proper cold, like -12 or something when I went for my daily Lotta walk. I was wearing many (five on my top half, two on bottom) layers, so was pretty warm overall, tho my face was kinda cold. *lol*

Two days ago was also when we went to see the Jacksons (the reason I’m here. Well, the reason I’m here now). It was fun. Also a bit embarrassing and a bit sad. But also fun. There were loads of MJ fans there. Of course. Before that we went for pizza with Tris, which was also fun.

What else did we do… I made broccoli soup yesterday. It was a bit watery. And today Mon made chicken burgers. They were better. 😀 Apart from that I am reading, playing Sims FreePlay (which is kinda annoying, but I can’t stop now) and watching TV. Usually with a small dog or two on or next to me.

While I’m here (WordPress, not Norway) I might as well do a general life update as well, since I am mostly too lazy to update these days. I got another job on PPH, plus am still doing the usual copywriting for Old Job and also did some extra translating for them. This is, like, £200 altogether which is nothing, but still good to have. I also did “lead generation” (i.e. calling people and tricking them into confirming their contact details for you), which is the most horrible thing I have ever done, so I only did one day of it and said they had to find someone else for the rest of the week. *lol*

Howeverrr, we finally got confirmation that the UK project at New Job is starting 1st March – how scary, I am not sure if I’m still capable of working more than a few hours at a time! :)) I think, if I remember correctly, I said I was happy to do up to 30 hours a week on this project… tho I think they only need 110 altogether and have 10 people to choose from. *lol* We shall see!

As predicted in the previous entry, I only met with Jana (and her new boyfriend) once, luckily in the company of Mandy and Ronald (for protection). Having squiZZ visiting was fun, we went for a crazy 13km walk and he cooked fun stuff (yum) and ate less fun stuff (olives, yuck) and watched loads of Are You Being Served. 🙂 Oh, and I didn’t do the stargazing stuff with Vega and Paul, but they came to mine and Vega and I talked about nails while Paul rolled his eyes. 😀

No other news I don’t think, except Vega and I have decided I am going to Stockholm in August to celebrate our 25 years of MJ fandom as we both became fans in the summer of 1988 (and also do a crafting/Fimo/whatever day I’m sure). 🙂

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