I went to Vienna!

Posted on August 28th, 2012 @ 23:33 in Uncategorized

And now I am writing about it. *lol* Because that is what I do.

Friday I arrived very late (not sure why I booked such a late flight – probably cuz I thought I’d have a job by now – ha!). Anyway. Cute Alex waited for me tho she wanted to go out, and then she went out and I watched Placebo live at Rock en Seine on her couch while eating a slice of pizza from the Turkish take away. 😀

Saturday was my main sightseeing day, tho I did not actually see that many sights cuz I was lazy/slow.

  • I got off at Schwedenplatz and walked around for quite a while, getting lost a few times, and took a number of photos.
  • I went to Albertina where I saw all their exhibitions, because they were great! (nested lists FTW, tho they don’t look that great in this theme)
    1. Kirchner, Heckel, Nolde (Werner collection). I love Emil Nolde.
    2. From Monet to Picasso (Sammlung Batliner, their permanent collection). This is pretty much exactly my favourite period of fine art, except I don’t like Picasso & cubists. But apart from that, so many favourites! Monet, Vlaminck, Soutine, Kandinsky, Magritte… lovely to meet old friends again. 🙂
    3. Joel Sternfeld, an American photographer I’d never heard of but whom I really, really enjoyed. To wit. His series American Prospects is amazing, and if it can be bought somewh… oh, look! Bit pricey. My birthday is in less than two weeks, FYI. NM, have bought it for myself. *lol*
  • Finally, I went to St Marx cemetery to visit Mozart’s grave-thingy, and because I like cemeteries.

Sunday Alex had reserved for me! 😀 This is what we did:

  • Went to Karlskirche to check out Aninite 2012 cosplayers.
  • Had coffee/tea at Café Neko and photographed and petted cats.
  • Went to Running Sushi restaurant at Praterstern and ate loads.
  • Had a walk around the Prater when it had stopped raining.
  • Went home and watched Salt. Well, I did. Alex was mostly online and then went to bed cuz she had to work early, poor thing.

Monday. Last day! Not enough stuff for bullet points. *lol* Sunday Alex had told me about citybikes (Vienna’s Vélib’), soooo I had to try them of course. There aren’t really that many bike stations tho so you tend to end up somewhere you didn’t necessarily want to be. *lol* Anyway. I also went to Kunsthaus Wien and the Hundertwasserhaus. And then I met up with Alex again and we went to the Naschmarkt, where I had a lovely falafel wrap. Then home. 🙁

That’s pretty much it! Oh, pics are here.

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