Norwegian Musings

Posted on June 8th, 2012 @ 11:29 in Uncategorized

Right now I don’t feel like reading, so I will write instead. I like the font in my WordPress Add New Post window. Wonder if it’s Mac-specific. Not knowing this is just another side effect of not updating this thing often enough.

Tomorrow I am leaving; about this I am sad. I was looking at flights on Sunday just now but they are £165, that is maybe a bit expensive for just an extra two days. I’d also miss Simon Amstell, tho I could survive that. I could email my tickets to Alisdair and he could take someone else. But anyway. £165 too expensive. And I will come back no doubt.

So what have we been up to since I last wrote (I am writing this on Thursday but will probably only post it on Friday so I can add whatever we do after now). Today is lazy day btw.

So Tuesday, we, um… I think I sewed another dog coat for U.F.O. so they now have matching ones. We still have a lot of fleece left over and I am not sure what to do with it, as I doubt I can fit it in my suitcase to take back home, since I bought so much other stuff I need to take home. Mon also made a nice green cake which was also fun inside. We have a slice left but I will leave that for someone else since I also still have so much other stuff to eat cuz I can’t take it all home.

Wednesday was yesterday and we went for dinner with MJ people as a pre-reunion meeting. The reunion will be next year, if we can arrange it, and we will rent a hytte for a weekend. It will be great! The dinner was great too, tho started a bit chaotically cuz Mon, Jimmy and I were waiting on one side of the restaurant, d and Lo on the other side, and Tris had been inside the whole time! So it was about half an hour late before we were all assembled. We were also done somewhat later than planned (cuz these things take a while, also the restaurant was very full and service a bit slow). Jimmy was not amused cuz he had to get up early. He was even less amused when there were tons of roadworks and long queues on the way back. But the dinner was fun and I was reminded that Lo is very cute and we really should talk more again. *lol*

Also very cute is Mon, tho we do already talk quite a lot on Facebook. I try to imagine how I’ll still come to visit here when we’re both in our 50es. There will be different dogs then and Olaf (the as yet nameless child) will be a surly teenager. I also realise – again – how very different my friends and I am from my parents. When my mum was my age I was 5 and starting school. She was… I don’t know what she was, her life seemed very boring to me, and I certainly can’t imagine her having a friend come over for a week and just… hang out and do stuff? Tho I am unsure if it’s a generational thing or a personality thing. I have old school friends on Facebook who stayed in Lux and went the path my parents took – safe job, house with garden, kids… it all seems so deadly boring and… so fixed, I guess. Of course I don’t have much insight into their private lives and perhaps they get up to a lot of really exciting stuff (tho some of their updates “afternoon in the garden with the kids – this is the best!” do not sound appealing to me). Either way I think the option of “going out into the world” seems a lot more normal now than it was for my parents’ generation.

Anyway, I am getting of track. As I said, (Mon is cute and) today is a lazy day – perhaps I will get out all the stuff I bought in the various exciting stores and marvel at it. Cuz yesterday on the way to Oslo for dinner we went to another “knick-knack store”, as Jimmy calls them, and bought loooaaaads of stuff again. SO. MUCH. STUFF. Perhaps I will spread it out and take a picture. Yes, that seems like a good immediate plan. Then later I can go for another walk with Lotta – a longer one this time, cuz she was not impressed with yesterday’s rather short one (I had a nap and then it was late and we had to leave soon!). Hopefully I will update some more tomorrow and then post before I leave. I don’t want to have to finish from home, that would be sad (and kinda delayed, cuz Saturday I am going to London).

Evening update. I did take a pic of my purchases. I also had a nap. And I went for another walk with Lotta. And I ate lots of chocolate, and a pepper and a carrot. The sugarnsap peas I’d bought taste yucky. Nowwwww it’s late and soon I will go to bed. I have to be at the airport at 3pm tomorrow. That is early. 🙁 But I have booked my train for London and am planning to have a nice weekend. So there’s that, at least. 🙂


Aaand now it’s Friday and this will be my final addition before publication. I have packed – managed to fit everything in the suitcase, tho I had to leave the cushion behind (only taking the cover). I have been for a final walk with Lotta aaand I have… eaten some more Italian Salad. I won’t be able to finish it tho. I also left Mon & Jimmy a yoghurt, a pizza, some cheese and kinda yucky blueberry cakes. Lucky them!

I only realised on this visit that Mon & Jimmy’s initials are MJ. Cuz I’m a bit slow. They have “MJ” letters in the window (you know, those wooden ones, like my WTF). Mon asked me, “So what did you think they were for?” and I thought it stood for Michael Jackson of course! Monica & Jimmy. Tsk. *lol*

Might go sit in the sun with my slightly depressing book. I am taking all 4 books I brought back home with me. And three of them are huuuuuge! But they were only £2.49 each at Oxfam. The three huge ones. Then there’s a tiny French one that was only €1.50 at the 2nd hand store on Bvd St Michel. I’m going to Paris again in 49 days! Ok, that actually sounds like a loooong time. Esp. as I have nothing else in between, unless I win that Placebo Mercedes Benz competition, which I hope I will cuz I reeeaaally wanna go, but I bet I won’t cuz I almost never win anything, and never anything that MATTERS. Like the Green Card lottery.

Ok, as I am talking nonsense now I will just go and sit in the sun instead. For it is sunny and nice!! Byeeee!!!!


Lo said on Jun 16, 2012 at 8:32 pm

hehehe 🙂

Clarissa said on Jun 17, 2012 at 8:45 pm



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