Today it was Xmas again!!!!
Category: Photolog | 16 Comments | Posted 8:05
Also my Birthday!!!

Look!!! 2 biiiig parcels!!!! (one from my Mon, one from my Mom *lol*)

Um ja I wasn't actually sure if I should show everything I got from my Mon, firstly because is veeery personal, and secondly because is very very marvellous () and also very much (
) and everyone who's never got so many very marvellous presents all on the same day may get very jealous. However it just looks so great and wonderful and colourful that it would be a sin not to show!!!!!

Can you believe it!?!??!
All from my Mon!!!
Look at the many things!!! And the many colourful boxes!!!! Some of the contents of the boxes you won't see cuz is aallll mine (not unlike my Mon) but can I just say my Mon is very very very very very very very special and I pity all you Monless people out there (however I'm not giving her away or even sharing so I'm afraid there is no hope for you). Is honestly the most amazing presents I have ever received.
I laughed a lot and also cried a lot and I miss my Mon even more now.
But I will go see her.

Oh ja and my mum got me stuff too, hehe.
Happy Birthday, Clarissa! I'm sure this will be a happy one. Are you 28 now? *evil laugh* Only 2 years until you hit 30. *envious at all of your presents*
Posted by: Anne at Wed December 29, 2004 9:55Happy Birthday, you should have told me it was today! Anyway I am sending you something soonxxx
Posted by: Matty at Wed December 29, 2004 13:31 @ all the Happy Birthdays.
I like the green wrapped in presents
is it your birthday or not?
confused (**)
happy birthday anyways
@ everyone wishing me happy birthday, how cuuuute! Methinks Mon should send me late presents more often
My birthday was in September. Mon's presents were a bit late. But worth waiting for!
I luuurve the green wrapping paper too!!! But I wanted to know what was inside.
What's the little thing (man/snowman/person) in the plastic bag from your mother?
Posted by: JarJar at Wed December 29, 2004 19:59with nice and green scarf
The stuff on the right that looks blue is actually green too!
how? looks VERY blue
I know
Will try to take better pic. But IS green!!! (as are your eyes LMAO)