What two Tommies can make you do...
Category: Photolog | 2 Comments | Posted 22:30Did I say I'd never touch hardware again? *muahaha* Witness:
The slaughter of Mikey... a photo log
*giggle* What do Tommies have to do with it? Well this one is now my main PC so Mikey is kinda dispensable. And this one fiddled around with his dad's PC and made me wanna fiddle around with mine. *lol*

It all started innocently enough when I decided to finally remove that old DVD burner I didn't want anymore. Everyone had told me how incredibly simple it really all was so I thought why not. And yes it really was simple. Following d's advice I also switched around the remaining drives a little.

Then it was Windows reinstall time. I had to generate another blue screen for Richard you see, and I also wanted to copy a CD, which would have been quicker with 2 separate drives. Tommy on the left is online, Mikey on the right, er, is not.

Reinstall was unsuccessful. d suggested one of the IDE cables might be the cause & to use the other for both HDD & DVD. Which was physically not possible the way the drives were in the case... so resulted in this. *lol*

This did not help either, as you can easily see here. I have no drives whatsoever, wheeee!!!! (yeah so basically he started out sometimes not detecting the hard drive... which gradually got worse... and ended up always not detecting anything... any suggestions, whizkids?)

So if you apparently have no drives, why keep them in the PC? The final phase of the slaughter begins...

... and it does not end here. Admire this almost virginal (and very dusty) motherboard (at least there're no cobwebs! )

Tada! Tis my Mikey! It's all there! (well except the case) What will I do with him? Dunno. Maybe one day I'll put him back together (minus firewire ports & TV card which I never used anyway). Maybe I'll buy another old PC and see if I can combine them to one working PC. Maybe I'll do an exciting casemod! What could I do... PC in a huge cardboard box? PC in... an oven? Ok I have rather limited resources here.
Bit of a pointless exercise you say? How right you are. But it was great fun and I have learnt loads about hardware today! It's far less scary now. Oh and BIIIIG thanks to d!!!
Do you want to tear up my brother's PC (and put it back together again)???