27th December 2004
Category: Life & Me | 2 Comments | Posted 2:36... was a strange day full of ups and downs. It was a Monday and a bank holiday. Asda was open but the post office was closed. Not that I went to either but I just know these things.
I did not leave the flat today (I did yesterday). I did however leave my room, in fact I migrated to the lounge with my Tommy and plugged him into a big 19" monitor and a big keyboard and stuff. The main reason for that was that I wanted to do some major e-mailing. However all I did was write two short mails and archive half a dozen mails that I figured I would never reply to anyway and who was I kidding by keeping them in my inbox. The oldest one was from April.
I found out I had a dozen eggs in the fridge with an expiry date of 31-12. I have no idea if I bought them all or if some of them were my flatmate's... but they have to be eaten. So my menu for today was sorted. Omelette for lunch and hard boiled eggs for dinner. Yeah yeah I know, too many eggs are bad for you... well I had some Ravioli too and that's good for you, so that compensates for the eggs in some strange incomprehensible way.
Oh yeah and I sewed the seam of my trousers! That was one of the tasks I'd set myself. I also had loads of fun (remotely) messing around with Tay's dad's PC. *cough* Tay is very cute btw and also very cool for remote PC-messing. (I'd add sth else but that would be insulting to a lot of people who are not Tay) This may have inspired me to pluck apart my Mikey tomorrow. Just cuz I can or sth.
My Mon was very sad today, and it's probably my fault. When she is sad it's much more depressing to be so far away from her (tho I once said to Craig physical closeness doesn't really mean much to me, but I guess in some (3) rare cases it does). d is mad at me too I think (ok Mon is not mad at me. the "too" is just cuz it's another sad thing).
To end on a positive note however... my Matty's back!!!!!!!!
I was convinced I'd lost him forever, and then he suddenly turned up again!
That was a very very nice surprise.
Im back babe and this time staying for good.
Your day was more productive than mine, i just spent the whole day in bed watching my 'sex & the city' dvd boxsets.
Eggs always freak me out, they are kind of like chickens unborn children 'foetus's'
Posted by: Matty at Tue December 28, 2004 11:31
*hehe* @ eggs. Evelien said sth similar once. Doesn't bother me much.
Posted by: Clarissa at Tue December 28, 2004 12:30