'Twas Xmas today!
Category: Life & Me | 8 Comments | Posted 1:09Well for me anyway!
I got Xmas present from most fabulous squiZZ and asked him if I was allowed to open it (actually I was convinced he'd say no but he didn't) and he got me a Blackadder DVD and OMG it contains that special Millennium episode I love!
Everyone should love Blackadder! (screw Mr fucking Bean)
He also got me Road Rage cards but they will take a while cuz US. And he also opened my presents and he said he liked so I hope he really did. And I love him very very very much.
And I will miss him very very very much but I will try not to bring it up so much anymore.
My Mon was MIA today and I hope she hasn't died (or emigrated to Sweden to live with the wolves) but I know she loves me even if she's absent for a day (see d? it's past midnight!! even past hers!!).
And I'd like to apologize in retrospect and in advance to anyone who gets annoyed by my incessant "Mon" and "squiZZ
" - well, sorta apologize. I imagine you must get fed up with me going on about them... but I won't apologize for loving them.
PS I also love Michael Jackson.
Was just gonna text you, but I'll say here instead since I'm here now and I'm lazy and is much harder work texting than writing on keyboard. (Is!)
So ja was gonna say; I'm very very happy I have a WAM and I feel sorry for you since you don't have one. And
of course. Aaand sorry not online because was helping mother and also fixing xmas presents.
End of text.
Was about to say
@ opening presents TODAY, but then realised it's a good thing that you celebrate on other days than the 24th/25th because then I won't have to feel bad about the fact that WAM and squiZZ presents will arrive long after xmas.
well in my case presents from everyone else (except T&K) will arrive late so you don't have to feel bad at all.
btw (and I can live with not having a WAM lol)
Haha, these road rage cards are f*cking brilliant!! I'ma buy some too
Btw, Eminem is fit and I still want him
ok you can have him.
You belong to squiZZ now btw.
No smileys?!! Not even a little straight-faced one? What's wrong? Was it that hard to renounce to Em? Sorry
Maybe we could... share him
How come (a D12 song btw *LOL* - not obsessed, no way ) I belong to Squizz?
I am not arguing over ownership issues with anyone anymore.
That's also why you belong to squiZZ. He wanted you, he got you.
Posted by: Clarissa at Tue December 21, 2004 20:33