Never touching hardware again!
Category: Life & Me | 0 Comments | Posted 20:30d : so what happened with tommy?
d :
Wam : yeah I should update
Wam : basically...
Wam : you know I couldn't get him to detect the expansion RAM
Wam : so the final thing I was gonna try was remove the original memory (256) and replace with new (512)
Wam : so today I was on the phone to Ian and he said "go on, do it now"
Wam : so I did
Wam : and powered up... and it wouldn't boot
Wam : ok I'd expected that anyway since the new RAM hadn't worked
Wam : so removed and put the original Sony RAM back in place, powered up.... and it didn't boot
Wam :
Wam : fiddled around, removed, put back in place, made sure was all securely in...
Wam : nothing
Wam : cried loads to Ian on the phone
Wam : he said I might have blown both RAM modules (perhaps with static).. was bad enough, but I was afraid I might have damaged the slots too...
Wam : soooo we checked if PC World was open and I ran there and cried to them
Wam : and the guy said "well actually you didn't buy him here (ok he said "it") so we can't touch it"... but then he did anyway
Wam : and we played around some more. they were very cute
Wam : then 2nd guy came and looked and fiddled and said "but is that actually properly in there" (Sony one)
Wam : and I said yeah cuz look the clips are in place and all
Wam : but he looked doubtful
Wam : so he shoved it in further
Wam : and powered up. and it booted
Wam : and I was
Wam : and he said "lemme try to shove the other one in as well"
Wam : and I said "nah that won't work for sure"
Wam : and he took it to his cool desk
Wam : and fiddled.
Wam : and came back all proud
Wam : and showed me the window: physical memory available to Windows: 768MB
Wam : so basically I suck and can't even properly fit a RAM module in a laptop
Wam : so I am never touching hardware again
Wam : but
Wam : 768MB