Today I changed my layout
Category: Life & Me | 9 Comments | Posted 1:02As you can see. The current layout features droolable guys, aka current obsessions. Colour scheme is a bit lame but I am lazy. Left to right: the Lord my God squiZZ, squiZZ's most desirable TomTay, Brian, MJ, Em.
Today I also bought the MJ box set... is fun. And other things, mostly Xmas presents. I also told my mum I won't be going home for Xmas... and I went to work and stuff. Yeah that's enough for now. I shoulda gone to sleep 1hr ago. Night.
nOT GOING HOME? was mom mad? and yeah, i will have to buy that boxset, too. anyway, hope u enjoy work. later!
Posted by: Anne at Tue December 14, 2004 11:39nice layout, lovely
Posted by: tris at Tue December 14, 2004 14:06Kat The Flatmate thinks squiZZle looks like a geisha girl in that pic.. and not in a good way!
Posted by: Mel at Tue December 14, 2004 23:45Oh man, Eminem is so f*cking fit in that pic
I WANT him
I know I can swear but as I am so well-educated ( ) I don't dare
No you don't (want him). You have all your other guys (I'd list them but I guess that would be too 'revealing'...)
Posted by: Clarissa at Sun December 19, 2004 13:46