Out the fucking way!!!!
Category: Randomness | 3 Comments | Posted 19:28 Superb, I've always wanted sth like those!!!!
[edit] I met a very cool pharmacist at Boots yesterday! I bought painkillers & she told me I should not give them to anyone under 16 yadda yadda, and we started talking about such precautions enforced to provide guidance to people too stupid to think for themselves, and she ended up saying "you know it may just encourage me to give the stuff to under-16s anyway to see what happens. I can't stand kids."
Very amusing!!
She better not say that to the wrong customer tho lol. [/edit]
lmao @ "are you driving that to the dump?"
ooh... they look fun... although I wouldn't want to piss off the wrong driver and end up dead or sth
Posted by: Mark at Thu December 9, 2004 19:52LOL yeah that would maybe prevent me from using them too.
You missed my edit now.
at the pharmacist. Reminds me about the news from drudge yesterday; "parents on strike".
I think Mark has a point lol. But one of those cards could be fun to have, just in case.
Posted by: tris at Thu December 9, 2004 20:05