Long entry for bored people
Category: Life & Me | 12 Comments | Posted 0:34WHY LIFE SUCKS, AND WHY MAYBE IT DOESN'T
(this is the entry I started and didn't post last night)
So let's recapitulate. On Saturday morning I had an appointment in London with a Careers woman from Warwick uni... I'd made the appointment before I was offered my job and once I'd got it I didn't really wanna cancel it, so I went anyway. It was interesting. It didn't change my life of course, but it gave me some scope beyond the immediate one of settling in in the current job. Apparently I ain't all that old and my prospects aren't all that screwed.
After that I met up with Ian in Leicester Square. Leicester Square is incredibly boring... there is nothing to do unless you wanna have food (lunch/dinner) or see a show (cinema/musical). And it's full of bloody foreigners (cough). I even heard some Luxembourgers. So I sat on a bench in Leics Sq Gdns (Leicester Square Gardens) until Ian rang me (he was late!!!) and then we walked around and ended up in Pizza Hut (we shared a pizza!). Anyway he had a Tommy, who is now mine. Very very sexy and very mine. And thank God he is (more on that later).
Then I went-home-went-to-work-went-home... installed some stuff on Tommy, packed-went-to-bed, got-up-at-dawn, drove-across-Europe,
Arrived. Talked with my mum. Did stuff. Went to bed. Then did serious stuff. Like ringing up people about my non-existEnt Lara... and basically (yeah we're finally getting to why life sucks) this is the deal:
- my Lara is no longer registered cuz I have no valid address here.
- I can't have Lux as 2ndary residence cuz the punks won't accept it.
- UK insurance is a lot more expensive and UK traffic fines even more so.
- I could be registered in both places independently but being discovered is a huge risk and very scary.
So I can either sell my Lara (waaah!) or register her in the UK. Which apparently is a huge pain in the rectum anyway (the registration process). And they might dig up all them old traffic offences. Which are bound to add up to sth like £1000. But more immediately scary is the fact that if I get caught here and now I am in big trouble. I don't even think my insurance is valid with a non-registered car tbh. How fun. Oooh the thrill.... not.
And right now I'm driving my mum's car which means I can only do stuff when she doesn't need it. Which is often but I still feel very disabled.
Ja and then there's the PC issue. I brought my Mikey back here... didn't use him except for stupid stuff (I hooked Tommy up to the Net, cuz you see he has a built in v90 modem... and LAN and WLAN and Bluetooth ) ... but he was fine, he didn't act up at all, none of that weird hard-drive-behaviour... so I said to Ian (on the phone) that maybe it was just the Brighton air... then like 5mins later I got another blue screen... and Ian said it kinda sounded like a hardware problem after all... anyway right now Mikey's on the floor, taken apart, being dusted (I actually vacuumed him lol) and un- and re-assembled. Chances are all of that won't help and he's screwed. Which is not that dramatic. Except I bought a DVD writer yesterday morning cuz it was an irresistible offer so if I end up buying a new PC (which is bound to have a DVD writer) I'll just have wasted money.
Okay what the fuck. Next then. Next there's the horsey. Of course as long as I had no job it was all up in the air anyway... like "let's wait until I have a job"... well of course right now it's "let's wait until I've settled in and decided whether I wanna keep this job" but basically the options are either moving him to the UK or finding someone else for him. OK this is something I doubt any of you will understand (except Mon I suppose), but there is no way I can give him away unless I know 100% that he's in safe hands... and there is no way I can know that. I've had friends who spent months trying to find the right buyer for their horse and found someone they thought they could trust and in the end it turned out the new owners were fuckers anyway. I just can't do that. I couldn't anyway cuz I love him so much, but the fact that Karim isn't exactly an easy horse to deal with makes it even harder. So um yeah. Moving him to the UK is one hell of a big (and pricey) step. It just makes me so sad tho... I know it would make sense to sell him, and I am wasting so much money on him (I won't tell you the monthly rent but believe me, it's a lot), but well, he's my baby. Falling in love with humans does have one big advantage... most of them can feed themselves.
Yeah. These are the major issues that occupy my mind at the moment. Well, and starting scary new job of course. Lux is kinda fun tho, been meeting friends (six. I went thru my mobile address book when I got here and found there were six people I really wanted to see. there are at least another 6 who would have loved to hear from me no doubt. is that cruel? lol. actually I should ring Tania. also Michèle...), buying stuff (all totally necessary, honest!)... and that's it. Well, visiting horsey. I've not switched on the TV even once since I got here. Been online much tho. My 56k up here is faster than my mum's ISDN downstairs.
Poor her. (oh I could write a whole separate entry about my mum. I dunno, do I want to be #1 on Google again?
The end. Now bed and tomorrow Mikey will be cured. One can hope. But ooooh I have the sexiest laptop ever!
(tho I am now using external monitor, mouse and keyboard lol)
Is this small bit the "AND WHY MAYBE IT DOESN'T" part?
"Lux is kinda fun tho, been meeting friends [...], buying stuff (all totally necessary, honest!)... and that's it. Well, visiting horsey."
Oh and .
@ Mon, well I think two nights ago I had something else in mind but last night I couldn't remember what it was.
(and of course)
Hm @ Mark, maybe I will. At any rate I'll have to wait a few months.
Posted by: Clarissa at Wed December 1, 2004 11:05lets make dog food
why can't you register Lara in Lux as a primary residence?! Do the driving people have to know you ain't there much?
Posted by: squiZZle at Wed December 1, 2004 16:47 Fuck off.
And I CAN but as I said being discovered is a huge risk and very scary. I can't have UK as 2ndary residence cuz I work there (and pay "1st address" council tax)... so if they hear from each other I'll be in deep shit.
Posted by: Clarissa at Wed December 1, 2004 16:50oh just do it, you aint been discovered yet so chances are you wont be any time soon.
Posted by: squiZZle at Wed December 1, 2004 16:53Aye but the risk is... I have to RE-register here (giving my Bton address as "moved from" address) so they may well check up on that to make sure I UNregistered there.
It MAY be worth the risk and I'll have to look into it but this week I don't have the time to do it anyway.
Well you shouldn't have told them when you moved in the first instance.
Posted by: squiZZle at Wed December 1, 2004 16:57YES!!!!! *agrees wholeheartedly*
But my BITCH of a mother MADE me!!!!
wheeeeeeeee! tell her I'm cancelling NZ and gonna move in with her.