Sunday November 28, 2004
The Drooling Entry
Category: Randomness | 5 Comments | Posted 21:20(dedicated to d)
Eminem for being damn cool and a genius - but not for the MJ skit.
Brian for just being so perfect and desirable and making the most amazing music.
Tommy for being sex on.. well not legs but... er... little rubber things?
PS the other Tommy for sexy neck (and other things hehe)
Yeah my brother played that to me yesterday. I get a kick out of these stupid MJ fans being pissed off. hehe I'm bad, I'm bad, really really BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD.
Posted by: Anne at Mon November 29, 2004 16:03Eminem is damn cool!
I'm such an idiot. I keep pressing the cancel button instead of post...oops...ahem.
Posted by: snow white at Mon November 29, 2004 23:29I don't agree with what Eminem did. It's very irrespectful.
I think he should learn to respect others before hoping other ppl to respect him.