Category: Life & Me | 10 Comments | Posted 8:07

Picture this...
early morning, Wam in bed, buzzer goes... Wam half asleep thinks "hm, let someone else get it"... obviously someone else does for 2mins later there's a gentle rapping at the door of our Jareth. Wam thinks "oh will be delivery, might be one of my CDs" and goes to open door (wearing no glasses, so has very limited vision). There stands wee man with MASSIVE, and I mean MASSIVE box (see book size for comparison):

Woah, thinks Wam, what on earth??? Squints eyes and looks at the label on the big big box to check if is for her or for her flatmate... reads her own name, is surprised and baffled, then reads Balloon Gift Store... and a light pops up in her head for this considerably narrows down the suspects. So she thanks wee man, goes back inside, puts on glasses and opens massive box to find (yeah it's kinda predictable now I know) 3 massive colourful balloons.

Full of excitement at having finally been released from their confinement, three massive balloons rise to the ceiling and uncover for the now madly grinning Wam a cuuuute little bear (with greeeen jumper)...

Oooh the cuteness of it!
Thinking "right, altho I can kinda guess where this is coming from, there will have to be some actual indicator of it too", Wam peers down into now empty massive massive box and indeed finds there tiny tiny card.

Tiny tiny card reads: "Dear WAM/Citzy. Congrats with new job!! We are very happy and proud of you, and we love you looooads (both with and without new job ). Hugs, d & Mon"

Thanks sooooo much you guys!!!! I love you toooooo!!!!!!!
You should see the big smile on my face!!! (and that's in the am!! but no you ain't getting a pic, hehe)
I know, very lucky!
And sorry Mel, they're mine!!
Well.. it doesn't HAVE to be them.. I just want someone to send pressies to me!
d and Mon again
*feels all left out of the making-Citz-happy business*
Mwahahahaaa !!
We rule!
Although um... I wonder who DID get the buzzer. Coz I thought "let someone else get it" too
David probably. I'm assuming the guy rang the "trade" button too which should ring in David's flat.
Posted by: Clarissa at Thu November 25, 2004 20:14