I've got it all (almost)
Category: Life & Me | 19 Comments | Posted 18:44Yes that's right!!!!
1. I've got a job!!!!! Can you believe it?? Yes indeed.... as of Monday 6th December I will be an IT helpdesk analyst... paid by Manpower, working for IBM, contracted by American Express.
2. I've got a laptop!! Ian is selling his sexy Sony Vaio and made me a ridiculously good offer so I told him if I got a job I'd buy it... so ja. Will collect it on Saturday.
3. I've got a husband!!! Remember cute Mark (no not you Mark, sorry)? Well he has a marvellous surname (some of you know of my obsession with funky surnames) so I will have to marry him. He doesn't know yet tho.
4. I've got no car! Well I do but she doesn't exist. Looks like when I changed my address in Lux they assumed I'd register her in the UK so they scrapped her from the system. I'm no longer paying tax, I have no MOT... kinda fun. Is like a secret agent car. (yes I do still have insurance lol. that would be scary...)
@ secret agent car
And don't you go and get married to Mark.
Noooooooo I don't wanna be left alone
Yay Citz!!
Send me some of your good fortune and stuff!
Posted by: Mel at Wed November 24, 2004 19:47Congratulations on your new job!!! Hope you have fun.
Posted by: Evelien at Wed November 24, 2004 21:25Hey, I'm cute too! Although my surname isn't very interesting.
Congratulations on your new job!
Now that you're an IT helpdesk analyst perhaps I could ask a question. How come everyone can access my blog except me?
Posted by: Mark at Wed November 24, 2004 21:35Yeah.. the umm "Posted by Mark..." text kinda gives it away!
Posted by: Mel at Wed November 24, 2004 21:42Yes it does.
When my name wasn't there I looked conscientious but when the name was there I looked at best blind - at worst attention-seeking.
Posted by: Mark at Wed November 24, 2004 22:15No it's ok. If you did that none of the following posts would make sense.
Posted by: Mark at Wed November 24, 2004 22:44