So Iwouldliketoknow
Category: Randomness | 9 Comments | Posted 12:12How do normal people deal with loving people? I mean really loving them.
If you really really adore someone so much that you are in complete awe of them... won't you always doubt that they love you back, unworthy little scumbag that you are?
Or is that just the curse of us paranoid people?
I don't know how normal people deal with love - because I'm not particularly normal. I do know some normal people but I don't know if what they have is love or just familiarity.
The only person I ever loved didn't feel the same way. I was truly devastated. As a result I have a deep fear of rejection and find it difficult to love at all. I'm always looking for some excuse not to love someone.
Is it the curse of paranoid people? Perhaps just the curse of people who value emotional honesty and those who think too much.
Posted by: Mark at Wed November 24, 2004 12:37I can't answer. I never fall in love. I guess that's a little messed up, too.
Posted by: Anne at Wed November 24, 2004 13:35How can one not fall in love? Life must be so easy...
Well, I'm one of the doubters, but I'm pretty paranoid.
And I agree with Mark: it's also the curse of those who think too much.
Mark - I know a lot of people who've been hurt countless times and still fall in love again and again.
Posted by: Clarissa at Wed November 24, 2004 17:13It is just the curse of you paranoid people
Sorry... was only joking... I'm not in the right position to talk about that...
Come here
We're cursed. Oh GOD we are CURSED!!!! *runs about flapping arms as if that will somehow improve upon cursedness of self*
Posted by: The BML at Thu November 25, 2004 19:26