I love...
Category: Randomness | 15 Comments | Posted 3:22I've started SOOO many "serious" entries these past few days/weeks and not posted a single one of them. They were all depressing anyway. I've not been in the best state of mind recently for various (varying!) reasons and I doubt that's gonna change any time soon but that does not matter, nor does it belong here, for this is a positive entry.
It's all about love! So here's a list of people I love very very very much right now. Anyone who's not mentioned please don't take it personally, I love you anyway but you probably have not figured so prominently in my life recently or maybe you've done sth to piss me off or maybe you smell.
MonMon always and ever MonMonMonMonMon. I love her and need her and I had her and then I lost her and I thought she was gone forever and I wanted her back so bad and now I have her back thank God and tho it ain't always easy it's so worth it, the paranoia and the tiptoeing and everything is worth it because I cannot imagine life without her anymore, and there would be so much more to say but not here. Bli hos meg... please.
squiZZ of course (who would doubt it). As I said to him once, I love him even when I hate him. And tho I'm perfectly aware he's a twat and a big'un (who would deny it) I cannot help loving him, and there are perfectly valid reasons for that. There is so so so much about him to make him truly fucking marvellous (complete list available upon request - trust me you don't want to get me started). Oh and thank you!
Lo mymymymymy Lo. For trusting in me and for providing critical insight and insane giggling and for sharing so many things and for being the one I tell everything and for rolling your eyes and for being truly beautiful and for being there and for being you and for being mine. And sorry for having been quiet cuz wrapped up in Monbackness but always and forever yours.
daniel whom I am far far far too dependent upon which is not good perhaps but maybe not that bad either. Who knows. Wonderful d, clever d, puzzling d, funny d, surprising d, amazing d. (and young d too!) So many things to thank him for... so many things I'd need to apologize for... so many reasons to love him. Oh and sorry I forgot our anniversary.
Katja because she's incredible in every single aspect of her being. I tend to not get emotional over her and I don't think she would appreciate anyway but I could never overstate how much I am in awe of her. And how much I appreciate her friendship. And feel not worthy of it.
TomTom for fun chats and serious chats and for being patient with me and for putting trust in me and for shexay pics with and without dimples and for great taste in men and for shared drooling and also for perhaps holding the key to my Pet's happiness.
Craig for listening, chatting, advising, caring, for being upside down, for speaking funny, for making me laugh, making me think, making me wiser, making me feel safer... and for worrying, even tho it annoys me hehe. And for trying to find a Lara.
Er yeah I was gonna include some more people but now it's late and I want to sleep cuz there's so much I need to do tomorrow/today and I am tired of listening to The Velvet Rope but too lazy to change CD.
Thank you
Well I don't love you either. I don't love anyone.
Posted by: BML I Am at Mon November 22, 2004 13:12Oh the love... You are not talking about the Daniel who posts on my site eh?!
Oh good. Cause he's mine.