I love you d!!
Category: Randomness | 7 Comments | Posted 21:46OMG this is fucking brilliant!!!!!!
Check it out... chat transcript first:
d: what's on my agenda today?
wam: sending me a present!
d: okay
d: what do you want?
wam: a MON!
d: anything else?
d: post office is closing in 3 minutes
wam: nah
wam: just a mon
wam: now hurry!
d: ok
(insert lots of talk about where she works and how to find her, and texts to Mon asking if she'd mind being posted to Brighton)
Wam off to work...
Wam returns from work....

I cannot believe he did this!!! Neither can Mon!
But it's amazingly cute and wonderful and has made me laugh and put a big fucking smile on my face!
Thank you d! I love you!
Now I'm awaiting delivery. (but apparently he forgot the stamps...)
I want squiZZ pics NOOOOOOOOOOW.
And like the fraudulent comment from me suggested, there should be one of me and squiZZ at the top
well send me one and I'll put it up!
And SHUT IT you got PLENTY squiZZpics tonight!
Yes. Yes I did.
But do I still get a mini CD? Because that would be kinda kitsch even if it was blank
Posted by: Tay at Sun November 21, 2004 0:34LMFAO yeah you do.
Not blank.
And orange.
And a book.
Cute idea.