Thursday November 18, 2004
Video entries by d & Mon
Category: Video | 5 Comments | Posted 2:35 These are fucking brilliant, so download or die!! *hehe*
- d's kinda surreal and rather insulting audio file (365KB)
- my MonMon's incredibly funny movie wid' special effex! (1.2MB)
We hope we didn't offend anyone. *cough*
Now I want more more more!!!!
[edit] Short and sweet... Dave has made one too (22KB) [/edit]
Will watch them when I'm not at work.
I'd do one but it sounds like too much work.
lazy Mel
and I'm not impressed with the lack of comments here
I've made one...
It's currently in the hands of the green-hating squiZZle.
Posted by: Dave at Thu November 18, 2004 21:56It has reached me
Tho why y'all wanna make me hate Placebo I don't understand.