Wednesday November 17, 2004

So what is next pray tell?

Category: Me about me | 4 Comments | Posted 21:46

I have successfully failed.
As was expected of me.
Now if only I had the courage to kill myself.
As would be decent of me.

But of course I didn't or won't (just yet).

Instead I went for a walk along the sea.
And sat on my beloved breakwater thing amidst the wild waves.
And faced the sea. It was nice and soothing.

But I had promised people I would be back after 30mins.
So I left the breakwater thing and returned home.
And told people I was back and had not drowned myself.

I love people.
Not many.
Just a few.
But them very much.

:x :-)


And we are glad because we don't like drowned WAMs.

Posted by: JarJar at Wed November 17, 2004 21:57

Posted by: Clarissa at Wed November 17, 2004 22:00

Sometimes, I worry about you...

Posted by: Anne at Thu November 18, 2004 19:38


Posted by: Clarissa at Thu November 18, 2004 21:34