Strange letter
Category: Randomness | 28 Comments | Posted 0:51Today at work I found this strange fragment of a letter. Someone had used the back of it for their shopping list. It's intriguing so I thought I'd share it with you.

Anyone wanna try to complete it? I tried but the construction of the 2nd sentence is so weird. I must be missing something.
omg citZ me! I am sooooo drunk! you could at least help me to bed!
Posted by: Miss L.J. at Sat November 13, 2004 3:32I have a fucking great accent y'all should wosrhip me!
oops @ my typo!
Hurrah for the pink site! But perhaps you'd like to change one of them for me and mr squiZZ?
Posted by: J at Sat November 13, 2004 3:35I'm all mooshed! why am I so difficult to open?!
Why am I so lame? I don't like having to rely on crappy old songs from the past but I just can't do it like that anymore Why couldn't I have died at my prime like all the other stars?!
I miss kelly
oO(he's gone crazy!)
grow up you fuckwit!
Posted by: Evilbitch at Sat November 13, 2004 3:45*I don't speak to anyone anymore so we're unsure what to write here*
Posted by: Boromir at Sat November 13, 2004 3:46*lmfao*
Please join my project! It came from above! I'm really not THAT psycho!
Posted by: Hege at Sat November 13, 2004 3:49woof woof woooooooof!
*translation = I've shat on the floor again so please clean it up!*
Posted by: Papaya at Sat November 13, 2004 3:50help! jarjar has left me and I need more vodka!
how can I get to the freezer now without the wheelchair game?
Posted by: squiZZ at Sat November 13, 2004 3:52*random jibberihsh abot soulmares*
Posted by: kal at Sat November 13, 2004 3:59*pompousness*
Posted by: freDDo at Sat November 13, 2004 4:01help!!! Um, Tay what exactly would you like that's both nice and norwegian?
They've all gone mad. MAAAD!!
Posted by: jarjar at Sat November 13, 2004 8:34Awwe.. Can't believe that I missed out on all the madness! Damn you sleep!
On a more serious . . . note the note is quite interesting and I agree with your theory that is different writing and person got letter and tore it up to use a reminder to buy loo roll.
I recommend Found magazine if you like . . . found things.
*LOL* I just saw my name and started to get really worried about my mental state as I couldn't remember posting here...