A Mel for Lunch!
Category: Life & Me | 17 Comments | Posted 10:33I would like everyone to take note of the following:

A big Hip Hip Hooray for Melker!!!

How did the innerview go?
Will you get to make life difficult for Americans?
Posted by: Mel at Fri November 12, 2004 12:05Went ok. I will find out today.
But there are other jobs in the pipeline as well. Is all a bit right now.
Oh a gay blog
how cool
I've just got online from a verrrrrrry long break.
Ooooh - I luv the pink!! A lot better than that nuclear bomb that was on it last night. Or was that an offline page or sth?
Ah, and I thought it was the inside of your intestines
The layout is very unusual for you, I have to say
Too much boys (and no, that wasn't a grammar mistake
"pretty boy love"
In pics 1, 2, 4 & 5 I agree, but 3... No! No! No!
Don't get me wrong I like Michael Stipe - a little nervous at times - but he is not pretty.
Hmm... maybe beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I'm a superficial bastard. I don't know.
Posted by: Mark at Sat November 13, 2004 0:31Michael Stipes is the character face on there
superficial indeed. I find him sexy. (the beauty comes from within hehe)
Posted by: Clarissa at Sat November 13, 2004 0:41Now I'm hungry and I want a KFC! Bad Clarissa!! I'd much rather the nuclear bomb threat than this!
Posted by: Woods at Sat November 13, 2004 17:19