On the edge
Category: Life & Me | 10 Comments | Posted 2:27I am currently being treated like some really dangerous lunatic who's on the verge of blowing up the world, and altho I generally find it quite annoying I have to say it also has its funny side.
BOO! Watchit! I might be out to get you! I have a voodoo doll with your name on it!
I feel a bit like the Palestinian people (lol ok that sounds a bit pompous). They seem to be treated like some interesting species as well. "Let's have a look at them while they mourn their controversial leader, but let's not get too close or they'll blow us up". LOL
Anyway the blog is back. This layout is based on an original (but modified, ahem) idea by Tay, with lots of help from Vega, who deserves an extra-big smooch. And tomorrow you'll get a proper entry too. Maybe. I have stuff to say but I don't know if I can be bothered saying it.
I LOVE IT!! Whoo hoo! Looks soo good! (ehm, wonder why? *whistles*) Nah, really, good job. Finally back online again
You still have to tell everyone how you had such a GREAT time meeting me for lunch on.... Wednesday?
Posted by: Mel at Fri November 12, 2004 10:25*plucks up courage to finally post a comment*
Boy loving
Ooh lovely pink!
Will ignore Palestinian comment though!! *ahem*
Posted by: shazia at Fri November 12, 2004 20:25