Putrid Perversions
Category: Randomness | 4 Comments | Posted 2:32I just made that up. Maybe I should register it as a domain or sth. Anyway. People demand updates. I don't really have anything to say. So you'll have meaningless randomness.
- I watched Caro Diario tonight. It's that film I ordered a while back. It's wonderful, it really is. It's in Italian tho and as far as I can see there ain't any translations around (tho I'm pretty sure I saw a subtitled version on arte all those years back). But maybe most people wouldn't appreciate it as much as I do. But I love having access to little gems like that.
- Some anti-nuclear demonstrator in France was run over & killed by a nuclear waste train. Serves him right. Don't get me wrong, I don't support nuclear energy, but I have absolutely no sympathy for militant demonstrators of this kind (they chain themselves to the railtracks etc) - how fucking stupid!? They are not gonna make any difference at all. The nuclear waste needs to end up somewhere - you complete fools, you think the train is gonna turn around and go back to the plant and evaporate into nothingness!?
Get over it already, the world doesn't function the way you want it to.
- Oh and while we're on the subject, the same goes for militant anti-hunting demonstrators. The ones that threaten and harrass and assault hunters. I mean do I even need to elaborate?! People are so stupid, so damn stupid. Same thing could be said about anti-abortion activists who kill pro-choice doctors - but there we would touch upon the whole subject of American bigotry and stupidity... so let's skip that.
- Work today was hell. It was very quiet and boring and I had nothing to do. You'd think I'd love to be paid for sitting around for 7hrs doing nothing, but it's really quite horrible, esp. when your thoughts keep going back to the same thing again and again and again... oh btw Lo, I forgot to scan your letter.
- I am going back to London on Wednesday for a follow-up interview (the actual job is in Bton tho) - yawn; however I will hopefully be meeting up with a Melker
and I'll also try to fit in a visit to Tate Modern. I guess I'll miss Arabic... we'll see. Not that bothered now.
- Maybe I'll have a new job soonish? Maybe I'll have Xmas off or sth and will be able to spend more than 2 days in a row in Lux. I could see my horsey. And friends. And my horsey. And visit Katja and Tobias. Running away to Luxembourg. What a neat idea. Perhaps I'd even be able to fit Paris somewhere in there. Ah I should stop dreaming.
Mmh... I'd assault hunters too
I suppose that was a joke... I know I think of sex quite often but with hunters - no! Have no understanding for them...
Well I wasn't sure.
I am anti-hunter too of course, but people who fight cruelty should not resort to violence. It just makes no sense.