I can't write this on my own site so I will here. I will have to pay Sony's lawyers €600 in fees for a single letter!! And they can still sue me later... isn't that fucked up??
Posted by: Anne at Mon November 8, 2004 12:48
fucking hell!!!!!
Woah that is scary!!!
What would make them still sue you now tho?!
This is just the fee for the cease & desist order. They can still ask for damages but I don't think they will...
I sure won't buy the boxset now nor will I buy any other Sony Music product in the near future.
Posted by: Anne at Mon November 8, 2004 12:54OMG!! Freaks! You've given them no trouble, you've taken the songs down.. what more do they want??
BTW: Universal made some german guy, who ran nelly-furtado.de, change his fan site's URL (as "Nelly Furtado" was trademarked) and pay a couple of thousand dollars for all the legal crap!
WTF??? Record companies never promote certain artists well enough and when the fans decide to do something about it (PROMOTING the artist, which is the record company's JOB) they attack them like this! Fuck!
Posted by: Mel at Mon November 8, 2004 13:46