Thursday November 4, 2004
I hate to repeat myself, but...
Category: Mon & Lo updates | 10 Comments | Posted 11:00I have a Lo.
And the sun is shining.
And we're off to Brighton to do some shopping & sightseeing.
And we have booked a hotel for tmw night so will spend Saturday in London.
Oh and... Placeeeeeeeeeeeeeebooooooo!!!!!!!!
PS Did I mention I have a Lo?
Will you be licking Brian's chest?
Posted by: Tom in Dakota at Thu November 4, 2004 20:14Sorry
"And we have booked a hotel for tmw night so will spend Saturday in London."
You coulda crashed in mine since I have all that extra space
Someone else's going to go to a great concert... soon
But , nothing surely decided yet...
lalalalalalala - goin' insane in the membrane