Wednesday November 3, 2004
So Bush again eh?
Category: Opinionated | 2 Comments | Posted 9:31
It makes me laugh, I know it's tragic but it just makes me laugh so much.
A lot of people to whom I said "well what if they elect Bush again" replied "but they cannot possibly be that stupid!" Well here we have it, they really are that stupid. Well, a bit more than half of them anyway.
PS My mum's cool. The other day she went "I can't believe what I heard!!! Apparently 96% of Americans believe in God and 90% are part of some religious organization!! Well no wonder they do moronic things all the time then!!" (dunno where she got those figures from)
We're doomed.
I predict mass-suicides all over Norway.
Posted by: d at Wed November 3, 2004 9:49