US Presidential elections
Category: Opinionated | 21 Comments | Posted 21:05Someone suggested I should do an entry to encourage people to vote for Kerry. I said that was a bit silly since I didn't think I had many US readers, and that I doubted they'd let me, random rambling blogger from the UK, influence their vote.
But just in case:
Oh and... VOTE!!!
Why? Because I say so. *snigger*
PS I dedicate this entry to Anne.
I just want John Kerry to win to see Tony Blair's face. Of course we'll have to look quickly whilst he moves his head from Bush's arse to Kerry's.
Posted by: Mark at Mon November 1, 2004 23:07 It does???? It shouldn't! What URL are you using??
And LMAO @ Mark. I doubt John Kerry will offer a foreign policy that is that radically different from Bush's, so Blair really shouldn't care.
[edit] cocksuck, I mean smileys, should be fixed. let me know if you can still see the gay guys anyone![/edit]
Posted by: Clarissa at Mon November 1, 2004 23:48I'm American and I read your board!
Of course I'm voting for Kerry, I have the sticker on my car and everything. This is a very important election and Kerry's foreign policy will be radically different than Bush's. I hope he gets a clear victory because there is some shit going on. In Ohio with Republican people questioning the validity of the registration of new voters in the state. So they are going to be at the polls questioning. That's a new low. It's really messed up...I hope that Kerry wins clearly and that it is not a long drawn out process.
Posted by: jimmy at Tue November 2, 2004 1:58I can still see your gay guys.. and I'm on my work computer now. I ctrl + F5 and EVERYTHING!!
Posted by: Mel at Tue November 2, 2004 10:17Hehe @ Jimmy, true about you but yeah you were gonna vote for him anyway.
Ugh yeah they're back for me too now on WTF
I'll just change the subdomain to a redirect.
Thanks for the dedication Citz! Very kind of you. I just deleted one of my entries with your comment but I read it and please you gotta be kidding if you really wanna sleep tonight.
Posted by: Anne at Tue November 2, 2004 10:54Why did you delete the entry?
And no, I'm deadly serious. I'm not that interested in this and I have an interview tomorrow morning, so I can't afford a night without sleep. Besides waiting up and following every single result would drive me insane.
I deleted the entry because I opted for the special election page instead and put the entry's content there.
And yeah your job interview is more important (for you. not for the world. hehe). Following the results will drive me insane, too. I know they did 4 years ago when my adrenaline outpour brought me close to heart attack.
anyway, good luck with the interview
squizzle, honestly, you seem like a smart guy but I don't get you here.
I see gay guys no longer HOORAY!!
And ja.. I watched the results last time. T'was addictive... 2:30am and I couldn't go to bed because I HAVE to see who wins what next... *frenzy*
Posted by: Mel at Tue November 2, 2004 11:56BTW: If politics teachers want their pupils to understand the US voting system... just tape tonights footage and play it to them...
What my politics teacher said to me made so much more sence when I watched the results footage.
Posted by: Mel at Tue November 2, 2004 11:57Oooh.. my manager in California is going to vote for John Kerry!
Aye... true.. why can't he live in Florida?
Then his sole vote would have swung the election result in favor of Johnny.
Posted by: Mel at Tue November 2, 2004 19:29whahaha the gross porn is backfiring on you!
Anyway. If Kerry doesn't win I'll go MAD!! They did this survey that said that 80% of the world population wants to see Bush leave. Please America Please!
Posted by: Evelien at Tue November 2, 2004 21:43most americans doesn't seem to bother with what the rest of the world thinks:/
Posted by: tris@school at Wed November 3, 2004 7:13