Spending Spreeeeeeeee
Category: Life & Me | 10 Comments | Posted 18:20(imagine it said in squeaky Helium voice)
Today I bought:
Placebo - Once More With Feeling (Ltd Edition CD with Remix Bonus Disc)
Placebo - Once More With Feeling Videos DVD
Eminem - The Slim Shady LP
Eminem - The Eminem Show (no I didn't have them so far)
August Strindberg - Inferno/From An Occult Diary (yes! found it! 2nd hand & cheap!)
August Strindberg - A Madman's Defence (also cheap and autobiographical)
Garnier Belle Blonde Pre-Lightener
Schwarzkopf Live Real Red Colour Creme
Philip Cox - Strangely Familar Souvenir Guide
That's all.
But what a delightful day!
I also found out that the Brighton Museum & Art Gallery, which used to be small and boring, was transformed and expanded in 2002 and is now really rather amazingly interesting and cool. Sorry Craig, you missed out
but Lo, I'mma drag you there!
[edit 19:45] Add to that: Silverchair - Diorama. [/edit]
[edit 22:20] Add to that: Dan Brown - Digital Fortress & Bill Bryson - A Short History of Nearly Everything. I'm really done now tho I swear. [/edit]
Post that very same list on a Michael Jackson board and I promise you won't get outta there alive. LMAO
Posted by: Anne at Wed October 27, 2004 8:25You didn't have any of Eminem's albums!!! *gasp*
Posted by: Jster at Mon November 1, 2004 13:17