Tsk, those Brightoners
Category: Randomness | 5 Comments | Posted 10:52My beloved Rotten Library has a section on subliminal images in advertising which includes this ad by D.J. Flooring with the wonderfully ambiguous (lol) slogan "Laid by the best" which features a girl fingering herself...

When conquest showed it to me a while back I saw the telephone area code & went "OMG that's a Brighton company!" - and indeed it is. I saw them again here by chance as they're located in a street I drive through quite a lot.

So that was fun. Then yesterday as I drove along Eastern Road I saw this:

*snigger* Brightoners rock!
*LOL* Brightoners do rock indeed. I'd probs feel very comfortable there...
Poor Mel. You'd love that one, dirty slapper that you are!
You'll have to wait until you get home then.
That scaffolding one is nicking it off Lee Scaffolding - they have it too. I think all scaffolding companies in B'ton use that or sth!
Posted by: BML The at Sun October 24, 2004 11:09 really?
Hm, on my way to take a pic of that one I drove past 2 that didn't use it tho.