Wednesday October 20, 2004
My bum hurts
Category: Photolog | 6 Comments | Posted 23:23And many other parts of my body. But that's ok, for I have actually done something... for the first time in a long long time. I am quite proud of myself.
It all started when I went to Lidl on Monday and they had a cool little bedside table for only £5.99. Since I've moved shelves around here, there's an empty space near the door and I thought that'd look neat there. Then I decided it'd be even neater if I painted something cool on it... since I had 3 days off with not much to do and I wanted to be online less. Woopeedoo!

So I bought all the necessary utensils and set to work...

I sanded it down, put primer on.. like a real professional! *lol*

I did a sketch of the painting I wanted on it...

(muchly inspired by my beloved James Rizzi)

... and decided on a colour for it. Surprised?

Of course I had to mess up along the way... bloody pink tube!

So had to sand it down again etc.

But it came along well. By this time I was in agony.

Skip a few boring stages... et voilą!

Here's the final result in all its green glory...

...except the other side has yet to be done.

That is SO cute
Chapeau! What a beautiful green Am just no big fan of smiling skyscrapers