Category: Rants & Raves | 25 Comments | Posted 0:46I wanna run off. Just for a while.
1 month? 2 weeks even?
Far away from everyone.
It would be feasible.
But there's all these things.
Work tomorrow. On Monday. I might need this job?
Arabic on Wednesday. I paid money for this!
Interview on Thursday. That might be the one!?
I suck and I hate you all.
Screw everything!
Posted by: d at Sat October 16, 2004 3:53You're such a bad influence, d. You're meant to be encouraging her to be sensible and grown up.
You should be ashamed.
*throws things*
Posted by: BML I Am at Sat October 16, 2004 10:31But she was in shatters
She needs a break and you know it.
This will be good for her.
Don't throw the last coke glass
And when the break is over, you come home and nothing's changed. Going to another country for a few weeks isn't exactly a solution, everything will be exactly the same when you get back.
And I don't know it, we don't really talk that much.
Posted by: BML I Am at Sat October 16, 2004 14:07PS. I would do, but I'm currently drinking Coke out of it.
Diet, no ice... obviously.
Yeah I know everything will be the same. But let her enjoy these few days, cause they won't.
Posted by: d at Sat October 16, 2004 14:20Cause they won't what?
Well what happens the next time? Go "oh yeah you hate your life, why not go to Mexico for a week?"
I know you were only trying to help, I'm not saying you weren't, I was teasing you about being a bad influence but I do think it's a silly idea. Most people go away maybe once a year to escape all the pressures and stuff as it's a break from their lives, they don't go away whenever stuff sucks.
Posted by: BML I Am at Sat October 16, 2004 15:27be the same.
Posted by: d at Sat October 16, 2004 16:32And when the break is over, you come home and nothing's changed. Going to another country for a few weeks isn't exactly a solution, everything will be exactly the same when you get back.
GOD! Please don't tell me that! Travelling is like the only answer I can see to problems. Running away is the best answer!!
Posted by: snow white at Sun October 17, 2004 12:04I agree with BML. It does feel nice to be away but then sucks even more when you come back sometimes.
But..has Citz gone abroad now or? *confused*
for Citz in any case
Oh sorry you meant these few days won't be the same. Well yeah but it's temporary relief. Surely it's better to find a permanent solution rather than just keep the problem quiet for a while.
Posted by: BML The at Sun October 17, 2004 16:38Having fun discussing me?
Just pretend I'm not here.
Surely LJ, but what if there aren't any permanent unviolent solutions available? These temporary ones are all she has.
Posted by: d at Sun October 17, 2004 18:26*ignores Citz*
Yes I know, but it's not going to help. It's not even a temporary SOLUTION, it's just a way of avoiding reality.
Seriously, what if this happens again? What would be the advice then?
I'm not claiming to know the answer - I don't know the RIGHT way to go. But I know what ISN'T the right way, and this one is an obvious example.
Posted by: BML The at Sun October 17, 2004 18:44"Having fun discussing me?
Just pretend I'm not here. "
Er...well you're not are you. Isn't that the whole reason why they're discussing this?
Posted by: JarJar at Sun October 17, 2004 18:48 It's still my webspace that I am bound to visit isn't it.
Okay, if you say so LJ.
But surely it must've been fun though. Running off to Paris in the middle of the night, I mean. And exciting too.
Well sorry for assuming you're not "here" or following the discussions on your webspace when you run off because you hate us all.
Posted by: JarJar at Sun October 17, 2004 22:27Daniel, I'm not attacking you, I know you were just trying to help in the short term. But I live with her, and I see her upset, and there's nothing I can do. So when she comes up and tells me she's running off because one of her online friends thought it would be a fun thing to do, it gets to me.
Whenever she runs off she has to come back again, and face reality. And it tends to be even harder to do when you've escaped from it for a while. It's like having a thing then having it taken away from you, you'd be better off never having it in the first place.
Posted by: BML I Am at Mon October 18, 2004 8:29when you run off because you hate us all.
So it's ok for you to hide and hate people, but not for me to run off and hate people?
"when you run off because you hate us all."
I don't think that sentence actually says that it's okay for me to "hide" and hate people. (But your English is better than mine so who knows).
But when you mention it, I find there's a big difference between what you did and me not talking to people.
Posted by: JarJar at Mon October 18, 2004 12:37Of course there's a difference, it's a completely different way of reacting to 'not being able to deal with people'. But I don't see how what I did would be so much worse - just that you can't understand it.
Besides I didn't run off because I hated everyone, I ran off because I couldn't handle the situation (incl. my reaction to it - I hate reacting that way but I can't help it) and wanted to get some distance.
And no your sentence didn't say that but it sounded like an accusation anyway, that's why I replied this way.
Posted by: Clarissa at Mon October 18, 2004 12:53Yeah I know you weren't attacking me. But just so you know; I didn't suggest her going to Paris, that was all her idea. I did, however, encourage her to go, cause yes I found it a fun thing to do. So shoot me. For the record, I also suggested her not telling anyone about it but you, cause of the added rebellious feeling that would give her. (so don't be mad at her for this) I didn't think it would be such a big deal. But I accept and understand that it was to some people. And you're right, you live with her, so you see the problems more close up.
I'd appreciate if we could end the discussion soonish. Tnx.
Posted by: Clarissa at Mon October 18, 2004 22:40