Looking back...
Category: Life & Me | 3 Comments | Posted 1:17Dwelling on the past is bad according to d. But I like jumping back from time to time... esp. cuz my archives make it so easy.
Two years ago
- I had just got a new guinea pig.
- I'd booked a ticket for a Wyclef concert... he cancelled tho, the bastard.
- I was missing England a lot but was convinced it was gone forever.
- I had a job that I hated, but that paid well & that was safe.
- I had my 1st appointment at the therapist.
- I had a bot.
- I was very much in love with Michelle.
- squiZZ was still using aNNoying speLLing!
One year ago
- I had no job but was not terribly bothered about it.
- I was not yet squiZZobsessed (hard to believe I know), but as good as.
- Still I was top result on Google for crazy obsessed (I guess it was MJ back then!?)
- We'd just discovered Grouphug.
- I was not yet talking to d. (!)
- I was mainly being lazy and reading and chatting. Some things never change.
PS Vega just pointed me to this video (Quicktime), it's incredibly funny!! It's soooooo L.J. and I!!!!
You have to watch it!!!
I don't know which is worse...
..looking back on the good times....or looking ahead on the changes...
Posted by: Tom at Thu October 14, 2004 12:00