Picture questionnaire
Category: Memes | 9 Comments | Posted 23:07Ja so I said I was gonna do this....
Stolen from squiZZ who stole from Jon...
Favourite band/group:
Favourite Film:
Favourite Movie Actress:
Favourite Movie Actor:
Favourite TV Show:
Favourite Food:
Favourite Soft Drink:
Favourite Alcohol:
Favourite Animal:
Favourite Colour:
Favourite Place:
One Place You'd Like To Go:
One Thing You'd Like To Do:
One Person You'd Like To Do:
Choose Something Random:
@Dagobert pic.(Scrooge or whatever his name's in English) and @the smooth transition from "thing you'd like to do" to "person you'd like to do"
I wouldn't even know which pic to post for the latter... too many candidates
Posted by: Val at Sun October 10, 2004 1:40LOLOL jaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @ Mel.
Hehe @ Val. I'd put His squiZZness if I felt like doing anyone. Hm, Angie actually. But I still idolize squiZZ. And that's ok.
And yeah, his name is Uncle Scrooge.
Aww that sloth brings back memories!
And you like to 'do' a wall?
Posted by: Matty at Sun October 10, 2004 15:47